Friday, September 15, 2017

I got a call from the Endrocrinologist office yesterday afternoon. They created an appointment for me for today if I could get there. I was surprised yet delighted and of course I said yes I would be there.

I did not fall asleep last night until about 6:00 this morning. Bedtime is quickly becoming my least favorite part of the day.

Kathy drove me to Topeka today for my appointment at Topeka Endrocrinology. I liked the APRN I saw. She is very young but seemed to know what she was doing. After several people in their office searched they found my hospital records that had been faxed to them as she was not able to access them on the computer. Her recommendation is that I have my thyroid removed as soon as my hormone levels are low enough. I agreed with her. They drew some blood today to check my levels. The results won’t be ready until Monday. If they are low enough they will refer me to a ENT doctor to schedule a pre-op appointment for next week. If my levels are still too high they will increase the medication I am on and then they will recheck them in two weeks.

I had lost two more pounds since I was weighed Wednesday. Maybe if I wait two to four weeks I will get down to my goal weight without dieting. Betting when I have my thyroid out I will quit losing weight so fast. Think I will enjoy this while it lasts.

We had lunched at Annie’s after my appointment. I love their air fries that they serve with a generous portion of chicken gravy. As I will be making at least four more trips to Topeka over the next two months I may become a regular customer there. After we discovered the Whistle Stop Cafe, Kathy and I would stop every time I had to go to Wichita for the foot doctor.

The wind sure blew on our way home this afternoon. We drove in rain for a couple of minutes. I was happy to see the water filled puddles on V Road when we got home. Not sure I got enough rain to wash the cobwebs out of my rain gauge but it was nice to get the air cleaned up a bit. My allergies are really kicking up lately.

Kathy and I have been invited to go to a friend’s house this evening. I plan on going if I can stay awake. I may need a nap! This not sleeping sucks.

Grateful I was able to see the nurse today so I can start moving towards a permanent solution to this medical situation. I am getting tired of having low energy. Trusting after the thyroid is gone I can figure out the right dose of the new medication and get on with my life. The nurse warned me it can take two or three months before that may happen.

Amazing how I take my health for granted until I can’t. Maybe this little episode will teach me to take good care of this body.

All is well on the wet and windy prairie today!