Friday, September 13, 2024

The dogs let me sleep in a bit this morning. I had taken them out at 10:30 last night. It was nice to get some sleep last night.

Phil has the front porch usable for me. He put a temporary floor of plywood down and made some temporary steps. He went in and picked out the composite material and then asked me to go in and pay for it. I stopped in on the way to exercise this afternoon. I liked what he picked out and it wasn’t as expensive as I thought it was going to be. It will take about two weeks before it will be here.

I stopped at Walmart and got some cat litter as we were out. After that stop I went to exercise. It was good to see my normal trainer as she has been out almost two weeks with Covid. She is still not back to her normal self but was able to come in today. We had a good conversation during exercise and the time went by quickly.

I pinned one of the hems for Ellexia’s dress this afternoon. Still need to pin the lining. I may get it done so I can take it to town tomorrow when I go in for Michelle’s birthday lunch. We shall see how the evening goes.

With Kathy gone this week I have been getting my steps in. I am averaging about 8,50 steps a day – one day I did over 10,000. Yay for me! I guess the dogs are good for something.

Other than lunch with Michelle tomorrow I don’t have any plans this weekend. I still need to deep clean a couple more rooms and am hoping I will be in the mood to get that done. I want to go through the kitchen cabinets and remove some stuff. I am finding since I don’t have the space and cooking isn’t easy, I am not cooking near as much as I used to. I have way too many things in the kitchen that I am not using and want to get rid of them to make some empty space. The cabinets are too crowded and it is too hard to find things.

I have a mole on my upper inner thigh that has turned ugly and sore. It is in a bad spot and I rub it when I move. I called my doctor’s office today to get an appointment to have it removed and he doesn’t have an opening until the first week of October. Not sure I can stand it that long. Does anyone know if Urgent Care can remove it? I’ll see if it calms down a bit so I can wait but if not, I may have to have something done sooner than October to it

Feeling a bit restless tonight. All I want to do is eat and I am not even hungry. There isn’t a lot of food in the house as I got rid of all my junk food. I am working hard to sit with this restlessness and not act on it. Somedays that is much easier said than done.

I watched a documentary last night about a mother and daughter that walked across the Canadian mountains. It took them six months to accomplish their walk. They had to have an airplane drop them food every six days. Wow! They did it during a very bitter cold winter. Made my Camino walk look like a day in the park. I admire people that push themselves outside their limits. Not sure how their journey managed to be filmed but it was fascinating and had beautiful scenes.

Grateful I can go out my front door again, grateful the dress project has been started, and grateful I got sleep last night.