Friday, October 6, 2023

The movers ran into a scheduling conflict last night and were unable to unload Michelle. She and the two kids had to come back and spend one more night with me. Thankfully Michelle had washed a load of laundry and had forgotten to take it so they had clean clothes to put on this morning. Everything else was packed and in the truck. I happened to have some spare toothbrushes and toothpaste so they were good to go for the night.

I woke up at 4:30 this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep. I didn’t go to bed until after midnight so didn’t get much sleep. I got up a little before 6:00 as Tagen had to get up at 6:00 so he could leave by 6:30. I was able to chat with him a bit before he left.

I couldn’t pack him a lunch today as I had packed all the chips, etc. I had sandwich stuff but no lunch box – it was packed too! I gave him some $$ so he could buy his lunch today.

After Michelle and Ellexia left at 7:30 I sat in my chair and fell asleep. I was grateful for the extra sleep. I’m tired this afternoon but am releasing the tension I have held for the last bit and that is making me sore and tired. It will take me a week or so to find my new rhythm and routine with the kids gone.

I took my car to Dieker’s to see if I had a rock in the brake shoe. My car has been squeaking at times, but not consistently like it had the last two times this has happened. Sure enough, I had a rock in the break shoe. They didn’t even charge me for fixing it! Great service!

I forgot to check to see if Tagen’s truck is still at the repair shop while I was in town. I still need to settle with the repair man and give Tagen the dollars the junk man will pay to take his truck away. I’ll try to remember to do that Monday.

Went to Emporia after Cottonwood Falls. I needed a bag of ice and Michelle wanted to borrow a hammer and screwdriver. I stopped at the Hardware store and got her a took box and put some basics in it – hammer, tape measure, screwdrivers, pliers, a picture hanging kit, and my favorite – some zip ties. I took that over to her along with a car full of things that still needed moved to her new house.

Michelle is going to come out tonight and get the remaining TV’s and the dog. The poor dog’s food got packed too. He has been eating cat food and my dog’s food today. I’m sure he will be glad to get back with Michelle. I will be ever so grateful when he leaves.

I have done a few loads of laundry today. It is the time of year where I will wash up all the bedding in the house. Since the beds have all been used by the kiddos it is a good time to wash it all up. I have one bedroom almost done.

I will take next week and deep clean every room in the house. I need to wash away the summer dirt and dust and prepare the house for winter. Trust we get some rain soon to quiet down the dust so it will stay clean for a bit.

I turned my fireplace on this morning. I got a chill and couldn’t get warm. I’m not used to it being 55 for the high for the day. The wind has been in a big hurry all day and that makes it feel colder to me.

Tomorrow Cottonwood Falls is having a big 150th celebration of the Court House. They have live music most of the afternoon and I plan on going in and enjoying it. Several of my favorite local groups are performing. It is to warm up a bit tomorrow and be clear so it is a perfect day to sit and enjoy live music.

I still need to mow the rest of the yard. I got about half of it done yesterday. It is too cold to mow today so I will get the rest of it done this weekend.

Kathy’s housesitting job ends tomorrow so she will be back tomorrow night. I have missed seeing her since I have been home from vacation. She has been dropping by for a short time each day to check on her cat but otherwise has been at the housesitting job’s house.

Sitting with a lot of gratitude this afternoon for the time I had with Michelle and the kiddos. This time with them gave me a chance to get to know them on a deeper level. I had missed so much time with them during Covid. This helped me catch up a bit with them. I am grateful my house was big enough to offer them a sanctuary during their time of transition. I’m so excited for their new beginnings in their new house.

Eight years ago I was almost to finish walking the 500 mile Camino de Santiago. My Facebook memory pages are full of things I posted while I was walking. What an adventure that was. I think part of the reason I was a bit disappointed with my UK trip was my comparing it to the Camino. I don’t think anything I will ever do will beat my Camino experience.

Taking the rest of the day as a rest day. I am going to offer myself some grace and ease into my new routine. Today feels like a new beginning for myself in some ways. Not sure where this path is going to lead but it feels like the right one to be on. That is enough to know!

Grateful Michelle’s move is all but complete, so very grateful for the time I had with the kiddos, and grateful for new beginnings for all!