Friday, October 26, 2018

I went into Emporia last night to watch my granddaughter’s music program.  Ellexia had to talk into the microphone saying a memorized line and she nailed it.  It was fun to watch the kids perform and both grandkids seemed happy to see me.  Tagen even let me give him a hug in public.  Score one for G.

After I got home my Match guy called me on the phone.  We had a two-hour conversation that was delightful.  Still not sure where this is going but it is fun for now.  He is coming to meet me Sunday.  Maybe I’ll know more after that.  Working hard on allowing it to be what it is without any expectation of what it might become.

I had taken a nap yesterday afternoon and paid the price for it last night as I don’t think I slept much at all.  It was a long night!

Went to Topeka this morning to have an ultrasound done on my neck.  It has been a little over a year since I had my thyroid removed and the cancer was discovered.  I won’t hear results until mid-week next week.  Certainly not expecting anything other than everything looks great.

A friend had recommended a certain type of wine for the dinner I am making Sunday night for my Match guy.  I couldn’t find it in Emporia but found it at the second liquor store I went to in Topeka.  The friend knows wine so will trust it will be good.   Sometimes I wished I drank wine.

Took a very short nap this afternoon.  My neighbor called and woke me up which I am grateful for.  If I had slept very long I probably would just repeat what happened last night.  I got enough sleep to knock the edge off without sleeping really hard or very long.

Tonight is music night in Cottonwood Falls.  I have been going the last several weeks.  Working on getting myself out more.  I enjoy the music once I get there – it is getting out the door that stops me sometimes.

Another neighbor bakes the most wonderful pies.  I happened to see her post offering pies for today and mentioned it to my Marine.  He had me order a lemon and a chocolate one.  I went over and picked them up for him this afternoon.  I bet they will enjoy them this weekend.  His wife is coming back this evening.  She went home so she could work in their hometown this week.  I enjoy having her around so it will be good to see her come back later today.  They are hanging around here this weekend.

Lost another pound today.  I have only lost three pounds since a month ago so the weight loss is slowing down.  I had been averaging losing 6 pounds a month.  I’m 7 pounds below goal weight now.  All the blood tests I had done came back really good so don’t think anything weird is going on.  Am trying to remember to add 1 oz of nuts to each meal as nuts are calorie dense and are easy for me to get down.  If I need to I will increase the amount of nuts each meal.  If I remember right, I now weigh what I did when I graduated from High School.  Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would see this number again.  Bright Line Eating Plan works if you work the plan!  It has been over 8 months now since I had any flour or sugar.  I eat three meals a day, don’t snack and I measure or weigh the portion sizes.  That’s all there is to it!

Think I will go out and take a long walk.  I haven’t moved my body for several days and am feeling the need to do so.  It is absolutely beautiful out this afternoon and a great day for a long walk.

Still sitting in my peaceful valley with a quiet mind.  I feel like I am floating down the river of life and easily navigating around the rocks along the path.  I never know how long I can stay in this energy so have learned to enjoy every moment I am in it.

Grateful for grandchildren and the chance to spend time with them, grateful for my Match  guy and the fun he is bringing into my life in this moment, and grateful for my peaceful valley of life and all the joy and peace it is bringing to me right here, right now!