Friday, October 20, 2017

I picked up the Newsletter material at the printers this morning and had it to the post office two hours later. Good to have that project done and in the mail.

I remembered to take a sleeping pill last night. It took me several hours to fall asleep. I slept off and on the rest of the night. I am surprised at how long it takes me to fall asleep after I take a pill. Anyone else have this same experience? I talked to someone yesterday that takes the same kind I am taking and he said he is asleep in minutes after taking it. I can only dream of falling asleep so quickly. I sure don’t like the hangover effect I have in the afternoon after taking a sleeping pill.

Nothing planned for the rest of the day or the weekend. May go down to the barn and sort old records. Chase County is having a dump day tomorrow morning and I could take them there for free instead of paying to dump them at the Emporia dump. It would take several trips but I could do that.

I also need to clean out my garage again. However it is so windy today I’m not sure what ever I would sweep up would stay in a pile so I could get rid of it. Maybe I can sweep it with the doors closed.

Took a box to the recycling bin when I went into Cottonwood Falls to pick up the Newsletter material. Sure have reduced the amount of trash I set out each week by doing the recycling thing. Since I don’t have to sort it is easy to do. Wish I had started doing it a long time ago. Better late than never I guess.

I am in a throw away mood and I don’t have anything to throw away. Not sure where that urge is coming from. Best get down to the barn and see what I can find to throw away. Maybe I will go through my clothes and see what I can find to get rid of. My closet feels full to me right now and I know I have stuff I never wear any more. I have several extra pairs of shoes I need to get rid of.

Feeling a bit anxious today for some reason. Having trouble settling on something to do. Grateful I had the Newsletter to do today as that gave me something productive to do. Not sure what is behind this unsettled feeling. Probably has to do with the thyroid cancer and the not knowing what is going to happen with it. Feeling the need to tie up loose ends and I can’t find many loose ends to tie up.

Unsettled! That is what I am today. And this too will pass. It is a beautiful windy day on the prairie today.