Friday, October 19, 2018

It has been a productive day so far.  Went into Emporia at 8:30 to get my blood drawn.  I got gas but forgot to stop and get groceries.  Went to Strong City and Cottonwood Falls before I came home.  Stopped to talk to the Postmaster about the mail forwarding situation.  He recommended Kathy cancel the forwarding request and I send her the mail weekly.  He said there is not much he can do and he has seen situations like this before and they rarely are able to fix them,

I dumped my recycling containers and then stopped at KS Graphics to pick up the missing mailing piece.  After I got home I ate breakfast and then finished the mailing.  I took it into the post office in Strong City so it will go out today.  Always feels good to have that project complete.

I have been working on doing laundry and resetting two rooms downstairs.  The third load of laundry is washing and only have one more load to throw in.  When the sheets get dried I will make the beds and clean two bedrooms and bathrooms.

Lost another pound today.  I hadn’t lost any for a bit so trusting I am close to hitting bottom.  I’ll find out later today if the blood tests show anything is amiss.  I keep trying to add more food but struggle to eat all that I am to eat already.  If I keep losing I will try to add in a fourth meal and see if that will help.  Not sure when I would add it though as I don’t get hungry.  Maybe the trip to Australia will help.  I didn’t lose any weight when I went to Italy.

I’m tired today.  I slept two sleeps last night but didn’t get my sleep tank filled.  It is cloudy and misty out and thinking that is causing me to be sleepy.  I need to get up and go clean and move my body and wake it up.

Quiet weekend ahead.  Although I will have a guest he won’t be around much.  May see if the grandkids want to come out and a bit.  I haven’t seen them again for several weeks.

Feels good to have had a productive morning.  I was feeling like I was behind this morning when I got up as I hadn’t done the dishes before I went to bed last night.  Got my to-do list done though and it is just barely past noon.  Not sure why some days I can get lots done and other days I can’t seem to do anything.  I even made two business phone calls this morning!

Grateful for a productive morning, grateful my to-do list for the day is completed, and grateful for completing my service project of the day.