I had trouble sleeping last night. I slept for two or three hours and then woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep. Finally got up and stayed up for a couple of hours then took another hot bath. Went back to bed and was able to get a second sleep. I woke up not feeling very rested though. Why is sleep so hard to find sometimes?
The wind is in a big hurry today. We had a 52.2 MPH wind gust today and it is averaging in the high 20’s to low 30’s. Sure hope it blows in some rain.
I’m afraid the forecast is calling for cloudy skies tomorrow. I am still going to host a solar eclipse watch party but am thinking we won’t be able to see the ring of fire. We will, however, feel the effects of it. It will be fun to see my friends and reconnect with them. It feels like it has been a long time since I did that.
Kathy and I are going to Tagen’s football game tonight. It is at Emporia. It is Senior night so Tagen will be recognized along with all the other senior players. They have had a tough season and haven’t won any games. I am so proud of him for sticking it out though even when he doesn’t get to hardly play at all. The summer season of football started with him getting a concussion that took three weeks to clear. The kid has more guts then I do to keep playing.
Next week looks fairly quiet for me. I will be watching Cody on Thursday as there is no school. I might see if I can talk Tagen or Ellexia to come out that day and help me entertain him.
Monday night Tagen has a JV game in Topeka that I might go to. If Michelle can’t go then I will go. Friday the team plays in Junction City so I may go visit my friend in Manhattan and then go to the game. We shall see how the week shakes out. Going places sounds fun until it is time to go and then I can talk myself out of going.
It will be delightful to have a quiet week. I have some things to continue to work on around here. I also want to get back to my death doula material and review it to prepare myself for the health fair that is the first Saturday in November.
I signed up for a class on Boundaries that I will spend some time with next week too. The lady that does these also does an eight week class but I wanted to see if I like it well enough before I spend the dollars to do that big class. This class feels more doable both time wise and financially. She teaches how boundaries are an inside job. They are not to be put in place to control others. They are to teach yourself what to do if someone invades your personal space and time.
As a recovering people pleaser and co-dependent person, I have not done a good job setting and maintaining my boundaries. I give too much of myself to others – sometimes even if they don’t want it. I am doing much better about that but a few lessons and tips won’t hurt.
The leader teaches it is important to know where you start and stop and where others stop and start. I have to tend to my own boundaries and let others tend to theirs. When both parties have clear boundaries, a real intimate relationship can develop.
The only thing I have control over is myself and my reactions to others. Happiness and peace are inside jobs. No one can give you that. It has taken me a long time to figure that out. Better late then never. Or as the saying goes – when you know better, you do better.
Grateful for a quiet week ahead, grateful for teachers that help teach me about myself, and grateful to have come this far in my life journey.