Friday, November 3, 2017 – Update

Well this afternoon didn’t go as planned. I got a text while I was eating lunch from Tim. He had taken Craig to the ER. I went over to the hospital when I was done eating and found out Craig is septic. They shipped him to Stormont Vail in Topeka. He ask me to go up with him. Michelle has two sick kiddos at home, Jason has to work and Nicole is in Tahiti. I never like to see anyone be alone in a hospital.

I went home and packed a bag for me and then met Tim at Craig’s house so I could pick up what Craig needed. I drove to Topeka and got to his room just after Craig arrived. They have been a bit slow to get things going. I’m glad I was here though as I sat with his nurse as she updated his medication list. It took almost an hour. He hadn’t had his nap and was a bit confused. Not sure he could have answered her questions very good. His hearing aide battery died and he couldn’t hear most of what was being said.

He has been here over four hours and hasn’t been given any medications yet. The nurse left thirty minutes ago to find an IV pump so she could give him some antibiotics but hasn’t returned yet. He took his morning pills at home but hasn’t had any since. They checked his blood pressure when he got here but haven’t checked it since. They drew a bunch of blood again so they can run the same blood culture tests that were drawn at Newman Hospital before he left there.

He has been alternating between shaking cold chills and hot sweats. He is starting to chill again and is starting to run a temperature for the first time. May be a long night. They may move him to ICU if he takes a turn for the worse. So far he has been fairly stable. The nurse finally came back and got his antibiotic started and gave him some pills.

Not sure what the plan is for tomorrow. Trusting the night will be fairly smooth and he will be feeling a bit better tomorrow. No mention yet of any prediction of how long he might be here. Lots of tests being run and not many results in other than he has a UTI.

I’m going to have to bail on my commitment to Pioneer Bluffs once again. I feel like I have not been a very good board member this year as things keep coming up and I skip out on my duties. Thankfully once again Kathy is going to take my place. So grateful she is around to care for the animals.

Life changes on a dime! Hug your loved ones! One never knows when shit is going to hit the fan!