It is only 11:00 and I have all my errands for the day done. I had my car at the garage at 8:00 for an oil change. I love that they vacuum, dust and wash my car as part of the service. It really needed a bath.
When it was done I went into Emporia to get the tires rotated. My timing was perfect as it only took five or ten minutes. Love local service!
Stopped at the bank and then bought some groceries. Stopped at the Locksmith to get Craig an outdoor rock to hide a house key in. The shop was out of them and will order him one. Stopped on my way home to drop some things off at Craig’s house. He wasn’t home from his PT appointment yet.
Feels good to have all those errands done and I now have the rest of the day free. Think I will try to finish the apron I had started so I can get that mess cleaned up and out of the dining room. Tired of looking at it sitting out on my tables.
Two weeks from today Nicole and I will be in Peru and starting our Spirit Plant Retreat. The first week of restrictions start today. The only one that really effects me this week is no pork – can I go without bacon for over a month? Next week I start the restricted diet of eating only fruits, veggies and limited amounts of white meat. I bought a bunch of veggies today with the intention of starting to eat mainly fruits and veggies this week. It is past time I start going no sugar again anyways. My pants are starting to yell at me for having gained weight again. Part of it is from my low thyroid levels but most of it is from eating too much of the wrong types of food.
It is to get to over 70 degrees today. Unfortunately the wind is in a big hurry today. Is this spring or fall? Kansas weather – gotta love it. So far the forecast for Thanksgiving is for temperatures to be in the mid 50’s. I’ll take that!
May need to take a nap today. I didn’t sleep much last night for some reason. Both feet were yelling at me all night long. They do that occasionally but thankfully they don’t hurt as bad as they did before I had surgery. Finally took something that helped a bit but still couldn’t get comfortable enough to sleep.
When I was buying groceries I picked up most of the stuff on my Thanksgiving grocery list. I will have to make one more trip for some last minute things early next week but I have most of what I need. The stores will get crowded next week so it is nice I won’t have to be there long. Way too many people for my liking.
Craig called and told me Jason has pneumonia again. Jason had pneumonia last year too. Time for him to stop smoking. Trusting he will take good care of himself.
Feeling much more grounded and centered today. I can take some deep breaths today without feeling restricted. Not sure what or how I shifted from yesterday but I am grateful it has shifted. Even without much sleep last night I have more energy than I have been having. Grateful!
Empty space at last! Warm, windy day on the prairie. Grounded and centered. All is well on the prairie today.