Friday, November 10, 2023

I went to Emporia around 11:00 to get my shingles vaccine. I had gotten the other series of them but supposedly this new vaccine is much more effective. Came home with a headache and took some Tylenol and have felt fine since. Crossing my fingers I don’t wake up not feeling well tomorrow but we shall see. I have the next three days free in case I have a reaction.

While I was at Walmart I picked up some groceries. Got the stuff to make a big batch of Chex Mix which is one of my kiddos favorite things. Got a few gifts for our Christmas games as well as a few other things for my Thanksgiving Dinner. Walmart had turkey size roasting bags today so got those.

Cleaned out my bedroom closet today as well as all the bathroom drawers. Feels good to have those places organized and clutter removed. I can now find what I am looking for without digging through a drawer.

No plans for the weekend. Pioneer Bluffs is having an event tomorrow. I would like to go hear the panel discussion on bison and may go down for that but I will see how I am feeling. Things always sound fun to go to until I have to leave the house and go and then they don’t sound as fun. I do like to stay home.

I ordered a new tea towel pattern and it came in today. I may go down and dig out some blank tea towels and get them stamped and get to work embroidering them. I love doing that and haven’t done it for a long time. I still have over a dozen sets I have done before that I haven’t found a home for. This pattern was so cute I couldn’t resist ordering it. I’ll see how I do with it and may end up doing a bunch more sets. Not sure what I will do with them but that has never stopped me before!

Made a crock pot of green chicken today. It was yummy. I needed something different to eat for my lunch/dinner. That fit the bill. I have leftovers for the next couple of days. It is so easy to fix and I really like it. You put raw chicken tenderloins in the crock pot and dump a bottle of green salsa or guacamole dip over them and cook on high for 3 -4 hours. They are very tender and have a wonderful flavor.

I am up to 11 confirmed people coming for Thanksgiving dinner and have six or eight on a maybe list. Still have room for more. Heavens know I fix enough food for 30 or more. Please come if you are looking for a place to have dinner Thanksgiving Day. We will eat around 1:00. No reservations needed and no need to bring anything. I love having a full house that day. When you have abundance in your life, build a bigger table! I have abundance in my life and am working on building a bigger table.

I got some Christmas cards while I was at Costco last weekend. I need to start getting them addressed. I am waiting for some inspiration to write my annual Christmas letter. One of these days I will find the right words to describe this year. It has been a challenging one in many ways but there have been some incredibly wonderful things happen too. Not too many people still do Christmas cards these days. I hate to see that tradition go away.

The kiddos are slowly giving me their Christmas wish list. So far they have each only given me one thing. I got those things ordered. I still need a couple more ideas from Ellexia and then they will be taken care of. Jason gave me some ideas for Cody so will attempt to get his gifts ordered sometime this weekend. I like to allow for lots of time for things to get here so I am not stressing about them. I am not the best at buying gifts for others and like to get it done and over with.

It’s funny how organizing and cleaning out closets and drawers make me feel. The house feels cleaner to me already and I am not near done cleaning. The house also feels calmer and less chaotic to me. Doesn’t make sense from a logic perspective but from an emotional one it does. Still have some cabinets in the kitchen to clean out and a miscellaneous drawer here or there to go through, Wonder how long they will stay clutter free?

Grateful for vaccines that reduce the severity of diseases or even prevents disease in my body, grateful for the Christmas shopping I have completed, and grateful for new tea towel patterns to work up.