Friday, November 10, 2017

Nicole got home last night. She had a bit of a delay for her last flight but made it home. Glad to have her back in Kansas.

I went up to the hospital early this morning as Craig needed more shorts. After I got to the hospital (after texting him to ask if he needed anything else from his house) he thought of something else he had to have today so I had to go back to his house to get it and take it up to him. He thought of a third thing when I got up the second time but I told him it would have to wait. Two trips is enough in one morning. I brought his laundry home to do so will need to return it later today. I can stop and get what he needed then.

Craig looked very good this morning. He was complaining about cold food so I know all is well in his world now. Good to see him eating and bitching and being more of his normal self.

Stopped and had breakfast downtown and then came home. Nothing on my calendar for today that has to be done other than Craig’s laundry. Kathy is working so it will be a quiet day at home.

I started sewing the apron I had cut out last night. It didn’t go very well. Kathy heard me cussing and bravely came upstairs to see what was wrong. We had to google how to thread the sewing machine. Had one hell of time getting the bobbin case removed so we could get to the bobbin. The bobbin tension was wrong and I finally remembered to remove the bobbin and turn the bobbin over which fixed that issue. I made the two ties for the neck and had one hell of time turning them. Kathy finally figured out a way and did them for me. Maybe today will go better. It has been too long since I have used a sewing machine. They have dumbed them down since the last one I used. Maybe not enough though for this dummy!

I was surprised how cold it was when I was out and about this morning. It is only going to be in the upper 40’s today. Not ready for cold weather. Much prefer the 70’s and 80’s. Even 60 sounds good today.

Kathy got the chicken coop cleaned out before I got home yesterday. Bless her heart. The chickens love having fresh linen, aka straw, to play in and rearrange. They only gave me four eggs yesterday. Most have molted and there are feathers everywhere down by the coop. They look like ugly ducklings. Not sure why they molt this close to winter. Seems like they would do it in the spring time. I have seven dozen eggs if anyone needs some. $3 a dozen. May not have many for a while after these are gone. They won’t start laying better for another six to eight weeks.

While I was eating breakfast there was a table of four men in the booth behind me. They were having a God discussion and were talking about God and poverty. I can’t say I agreed with their perspective. I ate fast so I could get out of there. I could tell they meant well but their perspective felt very misguided and limiting to me. I could also tell from their discussion they had never been poor but they sure acted like they knew what the poor should be doing to get out of their situation. Wish it was as easy as they implied it was. My friend Mindy Johnson-Hicks co-authored a book entitled “The Wealth of Poverty”. I wish I had a copy with me so I could have given it to them.

I can’t keep up with all the men in power being accused of sexual misconduct. That veil sure seems to be lifting. Hope it helps to create a culture shift that makes men behave better. For way too long women have been treated as a lower class. Glad to see this issue is being brought to the light and no longer will be tolerated. Still have a long ways to go but the tide is shifting.

Many things seem to be coming out of the woodwork and are being brought to the light. As a society we can only deal with and help change things we are willing to talk about. Long ways to go but once those doors get busted open they are very difficult to close back up.

Cloudy cold day on the prairie. Grateful Craig is doing better. Grateful Nicole made it home safely. Grateful for empty space. All is well on the beautiful, quiet prairie today.