Friday, May 5, 2017

Kathy and I joined the gym yesterday. We went back in the afternoon and did our first work out. I put the weights on each machine at 10 pounds to start and did most of the machines just enough to figure out how to use them. I can’t figure out a couple of them. Kathy looked like a pro working out. Me – not so much!

I went back this morning and did 20 minutes on a bike and then did one round at each machine I know how to work with 10 reps each. I wasn’t sore this morning so I increased the weight to 15 pounds on each machine. I do not like to get so sore I cry when I have to sit on the toilet because it hurts so bad. A little soreness to tell me I have moved my body I can handle. Starting very slowly and I’ll see where I go from here.

On the way home I stopped at the hardware store and got a pair of loppers. I had some dead branches on my peach tree I needed to cut off. I have a big stand of some sort of tubular plant growing where my garden used to be. The plants are over my head they are so tall. I didn’t get them all cut down but got a good start. After I get them all cut down I am going to pour some vinegar on them to see if I can kill them off. I also got my yard all mowed. After being outside for almost four hours I decided I better stop. I came in and took a shower and then went to Ad Astra for a hamburger. If I had known I was going to do all of that yard work I probably wouldn’t have gone to work out today. I got enough of a workout doing yard work.

It sure feels good to be moving my body! Trusting I didn’t overdo today and I won’t be sore tomorrow. I have a friend coming for the day tomorrow so won’t get to work out at the gym or in the yard.

Today is one of those perfect spring days in Kansas. Mid 70’s and NO wind! They don’t come any nicer than today is. It was a perfect day to get my yard work done. It is to be clear tonight and there is a meteor shower. If I don’t sleep tonight I need to remember to go out and see if I can see some meteors. Tomorrow and Sunday are to be more of the same type of perfect weather.

Sunday I need to remember to clean out my chicken coop and give the girls some fresh linen. I remembered this morning to contact the person I buy my straw from and arrange for some more to be delivered. I am almost out.

Feeling caught up on things that need done around here. That feeling usually doesn’t last very long but feels good for a bit. I don’t have anything on my to-do list right now. I’m sure if I think hard enough I could come up with something to put on it but I think I will sit and enjoy the empty space instead.

Two weeks from today Kathy and I plus a friend of mine are heading out to Santa Fe for a couple of days to go to a concert. I love New Mexico and am looking forward to getting away for a few days. The following weekend my mentor will be in KC and I am going to a workshop he is conducting. The weekend after that my friends from the Camino are coming for the weekend. Three busy but fun-filled weekends ahead of me! Looking forward to all three.

Yard work done. Work out done. Time to enjoy my empty space. It is a beautiful day on the prairie today. All is well!