I got the main floor cleaned and the guest room downstairs ready. Now to play the waiting game until the guests arrive. They haven’t let me know what time they expect to arrive.
Need to run into Cottonwood Falls to drop off the recycling material and get gas for my mower. With the rain we got this week the gas has decided to grow. I would like to get it all mowed up before I leave Tuesday morning. May have to have someone mow it for me while I am gone. I’m sure it will be really tall if I wait until I get home the 24th of May.
Feeling a bit weird today again. Not sure what is going on. I have a knot in my chest and waves of icky feeling goes out from the knot. No real pain though. My heart rate is in the lower 50’s so not thinking it is Atrial Flutter.
The Cardiologist assured me yesterday I do not need a Pacemaker. That was good news! My family doctor has been telling me I probably need to consider having one put in.
I was able to get my blood thinner medication refilled. I had to call the Pharmacy and ask them to call the insurance company to get a travel exception so the Pharmacy could fill it early. After my guests leave tomorrow I will go in to Emporia and pick it up. I want to get a pedicure before I leave so I will take care of that too.
Need to do one more walk through the house to make sure I have everything ready for guests. Hard to find the motivation to get it all cleaned since it is only for one room and one night. They deserve a clean house too though.
Going to be a beautiful day and weekend in KS. Mid 80’s tomorrow and Sunday and bright blue skies with not much wind. Doesn’t get better than that. My guests wanted to do some star-gazing tonight and they should have a perfect night to do so.
Kathy told me the baby chickens were out and about with the big girls this morning when she went down to check on them. Good news! Trusting they will continue to play nice together.
Still need to make a few calls and get a travel advisory placed on my credit cards and to get international service for my iPhone. I hate talking on the phone and have been procrastinating doing so. I’m running out of time so need to get that done today.
Felt a bit discouraged when I went to the Cardiologist and got weighed. According to his office my BMI was between 25 and 26 and he considered me overweight. I had lost 3 more pounds since I saw my family doctor on April 18. My scales show my BMI has dropped to below 25. Oh well, it is what it is and will soon enough be below 24. My goal is 23.0. There is conflicting information on what a person of my age should have as their target BMI goal. One source says 25.0 is perfect and I shouldn’t go below that. Other sources say 23.0 is what the target should be. Wonder who is more correct? Wonder who paid for the studies that were done and what their motivation was? Sometimes I think our health care recommendations are designed to keep us sicker and need more medication. Hard to sort them all out sometimes.
Once my guests leave tomorrow I will start packing. I have my list ready and just need to pull out things. It makes such a mess I wanted to wait until after my guests leave to get started. Hard to focus on the trip until they leave too. First things first!
Grateful for the beautiful weather today, grateful for a clean house, and grateful the chickens are playing nice.