Eight weeks from today I will close on the sell of this house. Tick, tick, tick. The time is ticking down. Eight weeks sounds like a lot of time but time seems to be flying by. I think I can. I think I can.
The plumbers showed up with the new booster pump this morning. It gave them a run for their money to get it installed (or maybe a run for my money) but they got it done after two trips to town for parts. Grateful to be able to cross that off my pending list. It had been on there for over five months. I was getting tired of having water on the floor of the furnace room. Fingers crossed the new one will hold together until after May 3.
The EFIS boss let me know he is only sending four guys tomorrow to work on the house so they will not be finishing the job this weekend. He may send a full crew on Sunday but doubt that they will get it done even if all 10 show up Sunday. What’s one more week – right? We shall see how far they can get.
Last night the guy from Wichita showed up to buy one of the solid core oak doors. While I was waiting for him to show up I finished sorting the barn stuff and have the small pile I am taking from there all stacked and ready to go. Michelle will need to come get her stuff out of the barn and get her camper and then the barn will be done. Felt good to cross that project off my list. I still have lots of bags of trash to haul to the curb every Tuesday between now and May 1 but I will get it all down there sooner or later.
I packed a few more boxes of stuff from the pantry and I think the pantry is ready to be crossed off my list. It sure looks like there is a lot of stuff in there to pack but what is left is all stuff I use. I have a feeling I am going to run out of cabinet space at the small house but we shall see. The house has a back porch that I plan on storing anything that isn’t temperature sensitive.
Went to town this afternoon for exercise. Got part way to town and realized I had forgotten my Fitbit so had to turn around and come back home to get it. Stopped and had a blood draw done to check my thyroid levels post Covid and then went to exercise. Another participant from the research study joined my lesson today. It took 48 minutes for our video today and the time went fairly quickly. Came home when I was done as I wasn’t in the mood to run any errands.
I haven’t gotten the results of the Thyroid levels yet. Usually they have them to me before I get home but they must have gotten busy in the lab and haven’t gotten to them yet. I had my levels checked early in February when I had my semi-annual visit with my family doctor. I wanted to see if they had changed much since my bout with Covid. I didn’t take Paxlovid this time but was curious to see what my levels did after having Covid.
I think I get to stay home for the next two days. I’m tired of going to town once or twice a day all week long. Next week I will have to go twice a day on both Monday and Wednesday and then once on Friday. Hoping I can stay home on Tuesday and Thursday next week. I do better when I don’t go to town everyday of the week.
Didn’t sleep very much again last night. I slept for an hour or two but woke up around midnight and was up until around 4:00. I woke up at 7:00 and at 7:30 decided to get up. I knew the plumbers were coming and I wanted to be up and dressed for when they got here. They didn’t come until after 9:00 so could have tried to sleep for another hour. Maybe tonight will be the night that I get lots of sleep. I am way overdue for a good night’s sleep.
It was too cold today to take the boxes to the Salvation Army. I will get them loaded up this weekend and take them Monday. Not sure they will all fit in one trip but I will take a car load when I go in to do taxes Monday morning. I have to go back to town Monday afternoon so can take another load if needed then.
It is only 38 degrees out right now. It has gotten colder as the day has gotten longer. It is windy out too which makes it feel even colder. I don’t look forward to going down to see the chickens in a bit. I am tired of cold weather and so ready for spring to come and stay. It has been cloudy today but we didn’t get any more rain. Tomorrow the sun is to return and it is to warm up to the mid 50’s. It will be even warmer on Sunday. Sounds like it will be a beautiful weekend. Grateful I get to stay home and enjoy it.
Feeling a bit ungrounded and just about to cross over into cranky land this afternoon. I’m tired and having another low energy type of day. I don’t feel like I have gotten much done this week yet I look at the piles of boxes that need to go to the Salvation Army and know that I have gotten some things taken care of. Maybe what I am feeling is a bit of overwhelm again. Eight weeks till closing day and it feels like there is a lot left to do before then. I learned some time ago though that it isn’t in my best and highest interest to push myself when I am not feeling it. I’m sure if I could get some good sleep my energy levels will come back and I can get a lot done in a short amount of time.
Grateful to be able to stay home this weekend, grateful one of the oak doors is gone, and grateful the booster pump is fixed.