Friday, March 22, 2024

Windy day on the prairie today. Had a 30 MPH wind gust earlier today. Averaging 20 – 25 all day. When I would pass a semi on the highway I could feel it in my car.

Asked Kathy to go with me to Cottonwood Falls around noon so I could do some measurements of the existing garage and the old garage foundation. I only have a short tape measuring device and what I was measuring was longer than my tape. Kathy made that job easy.

Went in for exercises at 2:00. They were short and easy today. By Friday it is the third time that I do the same set of exercises so have them down pretty good by then.

Afterwards I drove out to the place I ordered my shed from. I had taken measurements of the old foundation that is on the spot I want the shed and had also taken a picture of it. I needed to make sure the shed could be placed in that spot without me having to remove the foundation. The guy recommended I put it in the middle of the area and then have gravel put between the existing foundation and where the shed will be. Good idea and I am grateful I don’t have to remove the old foundation.

Then I went to find the new Mark II Design Center. I couldn’t find it. I finally called them and got the address but found out it is only open between 9:00 and 3:00. It was closed already today. I need to go in one day next week and look at counter top material and flooring and give the builder a price range to use. I don’t have to pick out the actual colors but need to narrow my choices down a bit so I get a closer estimate as to the cost of building this new house.

Sent the builder an email with pictures and measurements of the existing garage. He needed those so he can estimate how much it will cost to have it taken down and hauled away. Wonder if anyone wants the parts from it and would take it down for free? Discovered there is a tree next to the garage that will need to come down. I got a picture of that and sent that to the builder too.

Sent a message to a kid that likes to do odd jobs. I have an old boat on the property in Cottonwood Falls that needs to be hauled away. He has asked me lots of questions that I have no idea how to answer or why he needs to know the things he is asking. Hoping he will just go over and look and it and let me know if it is something he can haul away for me. Not sure who else to try to find to take it away for me. I tried before and had no luck but I really need it gone.

Got the hotel reservations made for our solar eclipse trip to Oklahoma in April. We are going to stay in McAlester, OK. It is about an hour from where I want to go to be in the 100% path of total coverage. Decided to get as close as possible to our destination in case traffic is really heavy and it will take us lots of time to get there. This was about as close as I could find. Not sure where we will be able to find a place to have lunch but thinking we can take a cooler and take snacks with us just in case. This trip will be an adventure for sure and one never knows how things will go down.

I moved my exercise lesson from Monday to Tuesday that week. Grateful my trainer is flexible and lets me move my schedule around as needed.

Tomorrow the guy that is buying this house is coming over in the afternoon to do some more inspections and take some measurements of rooms and draw out a floor plan of the house. He said he might need a couple hours in the house. I need to be downstairs decluttering so will let him have at it.

Six weeks from today we close on the sell. Trusting the rest of this time will pass by quickly and will be relatively easy. I could be ready to move by next Friday if I needed to. Way too early to start packing though so will need to practice patience and wait for more time to pass before I start that.

Sunday the Tallgrass Express group is giving a free concert at Prairie PastTimes at 3:00. I hope I remember to go in and listen to them. I enjoy their music and will enjoy getting out to go. Things always sound fun to me until it is time to actually leave the house and go. Maybe I can make myself get out and go – we shall see what happens.

Need to get down and do chicken chores today. I need to take them a bit more straw but that may need to wait for a less windy day. The bale of straw that is open has come all loose and I’m afraid it will blow away in the wind before I could get it down to the coop.

Kinda cranky this afternoon. I did manage to get most of the stuff I wanted to get done today done. Not sure why I am getting cranky but I am. I almost wish someone would call me so I could yell at them and get it out of me. Maybe when I walk down to do the chickens I will yell into the wind and see if that helps. Sure wouldn’t take much to push me over the cliff right now.

Grateful for Kathy’s help today so I could get the garage measured and to the builder, grateful the new shed will fit on the old garage footprint and I don’t have to have the foundation removed, and grateful hotel reservations are made for our grand adventure to see the eclipse.