And a Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all. May the luck of the Irish be with each of us.
I went to Emporia this afternoon to pick up some groceries and other things on my list. It was a quick trip to town and back home. I didn’t have any other errands to run. I managed to get to Walmart today and get everything on my list.
When I walked in my house when I got home I noticed an icky smell. The chicks had dumped their water four times on the new wood shavings I gave them yesterday and their pen smelled to high heaven already.
Kathy helped me catch the little buggers and put them in a box and then she held the trash bag open while I used the dust pan to scoop up the wet shavings. Put fresh shavings down and put the chicks back in the nursery.
I put some rocks I had in the water bottles to give them a bit more weight hoping they won’t tip them over so fast this time. So far, so good. They keep scratching up the wood chips though and it covers the watering lid. I dump them out about every hour. Wish there was an easier way to keep the chicks in fresh water. When I put them outside next week I can put a big watering can in the big house and it will stay cleaner.
I looked up when I can moved the chicks outside and most articles I read said the earliest is four weeks. Yikes! The bigger 10 will be four weeks on Thursday. We will see if I can wait another full week or not. I can put two heat lamps in the big pen and I think they should be OK. I would hate to lose them though after all the work I have put into them so far. Maybe I will move out for a week and let them have the house! I might have to move the chicks to the furnace room downstairs if I decide not to move them to the big house Tuesday. They are getting on my last nerve and I want to reclaim my dining room and living room.
The doctor’s nurse called me this morning to let me know the blood test results were all normal and the EKG was normal. She said not to worry about my low heart rate unless I become symptomatic. Ummmm….. OK I guess. The doctor had added a thyroid test to the panel he had run yesterday. My TSH is down to 3.58 which is better than it has been for a bit. Still a touch too high but coming down. My magnesium level was in the middle of the range which is good.
Wondering if it is the sleeping aid I take that is causing my problems. I looked up the side effects of it and they mentioned it can cause a rapid heart rate but no mention of it causing a slow one. Maybe I will quit wearing my smart watch at night and not worry about it.
It was Kathy’s turn to fix dinner tonight and she fixed chicken stir fry. She was kind enough to let me get my portion before she added the Teriyaki sauce and rice to hers. It is such a treat to have someone else fix dinner.
Tomorrow night is my night to cook. I made reservations at Union Social for both of us. Kathy’s birthday is Sunday and that will be my present to her. I love Union Social and have been looking for an excuse to go eat there again.
I ordered two sets of cards that have different feelings on one set and different needs on the other. One thing I am struggling with lately is naming my feelings and needs. Once I can name them, I can release whatever energy comes up around them. I needed to expand my choices a bit and trust that these cards will give me more food for thought.
I went so long without having my needs met and having my feelings shamed that I stopped naming them. I got out of the habit of naming them and trust that the cards will help remind me of what I am feeling/needing.
Tomorrow afternoon I am watching a free Zoom lesson on co-dependency vs inter-dependent. It is being put on by the lady that had the Facebook video on boundaries that I found so helpful back in October. She offers an eight week course on boundaries that I may take. It is a bit pricy so have resisted signing up but if tomorrow is helpful I may bite the bullet and take her class.
Grateful the chicks pen is smell free for the moment, grateful my Walmart trip is done for the week, and grateful the blood work was all normal.