It was a beautiful day on the prairie today. Warmed up to the low 40’s and the sun returned from vacation for a bit. It wasn’t even windy today. I wish I had stayed home and gone for a long walk.
I went to Manhattan to visit some dear friends today. We had a good long visit. It had been too long since I had made it over to see them. I always enjoy our conversations. The drive over was wonderful. The hills were beautiful. There is still a bit of snow on the ground in Manhattan.
The latest forecast is calling for my little corner of the prairie to get up to six inches of snow Saturday night and Sunday. It is to get really cold Sunday with the low below zero. It will warm up mid-week and then more snow is forecast for next weekend. Can it be spring yet?
My blood pressure is still high tonight although not as high as Wednesday night. Wish I could get it to settle down some. Patience, grasshopper, patience!
Didn’t get anything productive done at home today. Had trouble sleeping last night and finally was able to get some sleep early morning so I didn’t get up until 9:00. It makes for a short day when I sleep in that late.
Tomorrow I have a shift in the morning preparing income tax returns. After I get done with them I don’t have anything on my calendar until Monday when I am meeting a friend for lunch. If we get the snow that is forecast I will be glad to stay home and tuck myself in for a bit. Trusting I’ll be able to get out of my driveway Monday.
I stopped in Manhattan to pick up a few groceries on my way home. The store was jammed – thinking people were stocking up in case the snow comes in.
Grateful to be able to visit with my dear friends today, grateful for the beautiful weather on the prairie today, and grateful in advance that my blood pressure will calm down.