Friday, June 9, 2023

This has been a low energy day for me. Slept in for a bit after I got up and let the dogs up at 6:00. After I got up I went home, showered, ate breakfast and sat. I guess I did take care of two loads of laundry but had no energy to do anything else.

Mid-afternoon I went to Strong City and had a late lunch/early dinner, got some gas and ice and then went to the neighbor’s house. Even the dogs are lazy today and aren’t too interested in doing anything.

I will spend the night here as there is a good possibility of some thunderstorms rolling through early evening. It is good to be here as there isn’t much for me to do here and I don’t feel as guilty just sitting.

I did finish up the little bit of mowing that I wanted to do at the neighbor’s house. I want to keep the grass in the front of the house cut as it was starting to look like no one was here. It looks a bit more cared for now. I got the chores all done and have nothing else to do today until it is time to feed the dogs this evening.

I probably should just give in an go take a nap. Not sure why I am so tired and low energy today but guess I will chalk it up to just one of those days. I’m grateful I had nothing I had to do today and could take a rest day.

Nothing I have to do tomorrow either. The kids are coming for a family day Sunday but I have time Sunday morning to fix the food for our lunch. I may try to get some painting done tomorrow – we shall see how wet it is and if I feel like it. I thought about painting today while I was at home and couldn’t make myself get out there.

Not sure if Belle ever came out of the barn. I left the door open all night hoping she would come out. I closed it when I left the house today as it is supposed to rain. If I don’t see her out, I will have to start leaving feed and water for her in the barn. I hate to set out food and water in the barn as it may attract and feed critters I don’t want to feed and water but I can’t let her starve or go without water.

Have another Tonglen group practice Sunday evening at 7:00. All are invited to attend. I have a feeling this will be a much smaller group as several of the ones that came last time can’t come this week. No prior meditation experience is required. Tonglen is easy to learn but takes a lifetime to fully master.

I don’t have anything on my calendar after Sunday for next week. I will be going back and forth between my house and the neighbor’s house all week. Gives me a good excuse not to get much done.

I haven’t talked to many people since Kathy left Wednesday morning. I forgot how quiet the house is when I am there by myself. I did run into a friend when I was eating lunch today and visited with her and her husband for a bit. I doubt that I will talk to anyone else until the kids come home Sunday. Gives me lots of quiet, reflection time.

My mood elevator is staying above neutral today but barely. I’m not in a grumpy mood, just not in a particularly great mood either. I’m grateful for the time alone so I can work through some stuff that is happening. Not a damn thing I can do about any of it. Sometimes that is harder than having lots to do about something.

Grateful for this quiet time, grateful for nothing on my urgent to-do list, and grateful to have run into my friends today.