My guests left at 7:30 this morning. What nice guests they were! I hope they come back again.
Got the beds stripped and the sheets washed and put back on the beds. The towels are in the dryer. Bathrooms had been cleaned and floors dusted. Almost ready for the six guests to arrive this afternoon and evening. Need to do a few more final touches to the bedrooms and clean the kitchen floor.
Finished the fifth tea towel in the set of seven I am doing embroidery work on. Two more to go and the second set will be completed. Bought some more patterns to iron on for two more sets. I like having sets on hand to use for gifts. Don’t think I will make 35 sets like I did one year though!
Saw a post on Facebook this morning that showed a recipe for removing stains. I saved it in case I needed it some day. When I was putting the sheets back on the beds this morning I noticed some dip stains on a sheet and pillow case. Tried the recipe and it worked like a charm! The recipe is Dawn dishwashing soap mixed with hydrogen peroxide. I used my vegetable brush to scrub with. The stain came out easily even after the sheets had been washed. That was easy!
May go out and do some mowing. The whole yard doesn’t need it but up close where it is still green needs mowed. Most of my yard is already burned up. No rain in the forecast. We only got sprinkles yesterday from the big system that went around us.
Need to get some invoices typed up for the non Airbnb guests I have coming this weekend. I sure like that Airbnb handles the payment for most of my guests. Saves me credit card fees. They also collect sales tax so I don’t have to worry about reporting that.
Going to be another hot summer day today. The high 90’s are forecast for the Symphony tomorrow. Not sure I want to be out in that heat and crowd. We sure are getting our summer early this year. Maybe it will turn cool and rainy in July.
So far I am really enjoying being an Airbnb host. I am surprised how easy it is to allow my guests to share my kitchen. I have learned to ask them to leave the dishes in the sink when they are done. That way I can load the dishwasher myself and put things back where I can find them again.
Not making lots of extra money but the little bit that is coming in is helpful. Of course buying a new bed and bedding cut into my profits this month! At least I had the income to cover that expense though. When I decide to sell the two twin beds I will recover a bit of that cost. I haven’t heard if the twin bed foundation is repairable or not yet. One of the metal hooks in it had ripped out and the board it was attached to broke. The set I have is not made any more so not sure how they can fix it.
Grateful for easy guests that become friends in the course of their stay, grateful for how easy this house cleans up and goes back together again, and grateful for solutions to small problems that appear before I knew I even needed them.