Friday, June 16, 2023

I went up to my house late morning. I took care of chores and worked on a project. The dogs did well last night and we all got a good night’s sleep.

I went to lunch with a dear friend today. We went to the new restaurant in Florence and had a grand time. It was so good for my soul to have a deep conversation and share with another. I enjoyed it very much.

A college student is doing an internship in Emporia for eight weeks beginning the middle of October. She came by this afternoon and looked over the house and checked me out. She is going to plan to stay with Kathy and I and rent a room for the eight weeks.

I went into Emporia after she left and helped Michelle out for a bit. I then went over to my housesitting house and let the dogs out and then went back to my house for a bit. Michelle and I went out for dinner and then I came back to the housesitting job for the night.

No plans for tomorrow or Sunday except for the wedding shower tomorrow night and Tonglen practice Sunday evening. My housesitting responsibilities end Sunday late evening.

It will be good to be back to only one household to maintain next week. Kathy will be home either Tuesday or Wednesday and things will be almost back to normal.

I have some mowing to do at home tomorrow if I get a chance. We shall see what happens. My painting helper got a concussion in football practice this week and can’t help me paint this weekend. Hopefully he will recovered quickly and be able to go back to work and play next week sometime.

The forecast for rain has gotten moved until tomorrow night. Maybe I will get some time at home tomorrow if the forecast holds true. I have to be up here when it rains as the dogs here are weather sensitive.

It’s been an interesting day with a family challenge. Things managed to shake out a bit but it is just the beginning of a long process. I am grateful how my family surrounded each other and came together to handle the crisis. What ever do people do that don’t have family support?

Grateful for my family and their love and support, grateful for good friends, and grateful this week is almost over.