Friday, June 14, 2024

Took the dogs on their walk one by one this morning. Roxy was not in a good mood this morning and fought me the whole walk. I ended up dragging her home. Not sure what her problem was but it was not a fun walk for either of us. Sophia did much better and tried to drag me a couple of times.

There are a lot of tree limbs down in my neighborhood. We must have had some high winds last night. A couple houses north of me there is a tree on top of a car. The car didn’t fare too well as both the front and back windows are broken as well as the sun roof. There is a limb sticking out the back window.

The city of Cottonwood Falls sent a big truck around this morning and a crew were picking up the big stuff. I could hear chain saws most all morning as people attempted to clean up.

I picked up a few branches out of my yard and put them on my big burn pile. I am grateful the tree guy has been working in my yard and got things cut down already. He hasn’t been back for a week or so but he can’t get his heavy equipment on my yard when it is wet. We got lots of rain again last night so I doubt that he will be back until mid-week next week.

I went to exercise at 2:00; This week has been a hard video to do. The lady that leads this week talked way more than we actually exercised. We did stretches using a towel. The second and third time through the video I started doing the stretches while she talked so I could get a bit of a work out in. Some weeks are easier than others but this one was hardly a workout at all. It felt like a waste of time as we didn’t do much exercise. That felt harder to me than the ones where they really work me.

I have struggled to stay above the neutral level today. Not sure why I am cranky today but I am. I got sleep last night but have felt tired all day. I should have gone back to bed this morning after I walked the dogs. Just one of those days I guess. I was hoping exercise would help me get regulated today but it didn’t do much for me today.

I took the band-aide off my skin tag removal site this morning and forgot to put another one on. I kinda forgot about them all day until Kathy asked how they were dong. There are two little black spots where the skin tags used to be. They didn’t bother me during exercise today. They must be doing OK since I don’t notice them.

No plans for the weekend as far as I know. I trust I will get two stay at home days and get myself filled up again. I feel really drained and empty today. I took a trip to Wichita Tuesday and then Topeka yesterday. It must have done me in.

My builder’s secretary emailed me today to see where we are in the process. Funny she didn’t know and had to ask me. I told her the ball is in their court and I am waiting for a final estimate and contract. Wonder how long it will take them to get back to me. Beginning to wonder if I chose the right builder.

I have been paying more attention to the things that trigger me and attempting to identify the emotion behind them. Sometimes it is easy for me to do that and sometimes it eludes me completely. I find it fascinating to observe how my brain works and the patterns it runs. Reprogramming my brain is hard work sometimes! The brain loves repeating patterns and it takes lots of conscious awareness to interrupt those patterns and allow for different possibilities.

At some level I understand the issues I have been working on are issues that I will continue to work on this lifetime. Sometimes I spiral out and sometimes I slide back down and have to repeat the lesson. I feel like the last couple weeks I have slide back down and am struggling to get back to the level I was a bit ago. Such is life. Up, down, round, up, down, and on it goes. Experiencing the whole range of emotions is good for the soul although not always pleasant to go through.

Grateful I didn’t have much tree damage during the storm last night, grateful the skin tag removed process is healing quickly, and grateful for new learnings about how my brain works.