Friday, July 7, 2023

This day hasn’t gone as planned but it was a good thing. Court was cancelled as a settlement was reached. Still have some kinks to work out but overall things are headed to a close early next week.

Michelle, Tagen and I went to Emporia and filled my car and her car with more stuff. Michelle had to go to work but Tagen and I brought my car load home. The low tire pressure light came on so took my car to Dieker’s in Cottonwood Falls on the way home. Tagen and I went to the Grand and had lunch while the tire was repaired. The car was ready for us when we were done with lunch. That was easy!

We came home and unloaded my car and then went back for a second load. Kathy came in too this time and we filled both cars full of stuff. Got both cars unloaded when we got home.

Tagen did chicken chores and brought up three eggs today. 10 eggs and counting so far. Go girls!

I went out last night and finished painting the floor of the west side deck. I got the step landing painted too. Only have some railing painting to do and a little bit of ladder work painting to do and the back deck will be done! I still have the two east side decks to paint but those won’t require a ladder and aren’t near as big as the back deck.

I had gotten a pair of strap on knee pads a while ago. They sure helped keep my knees from getting blistered but they are way too big. I made the straps as short as possible and they were still too loose. They need to make knee pads in smaller sizes.

Ellexia will be coming home with Michelle tonight and will be here all weekend. I think we are going to try to get some more stuff moved tomorrow but not sure yet. Michelle will be busy sorting what we brought today if not.

I didn’t get any of my errands taken care of either time I was in Emporia today. I kinda forgot about them until I got home the second time and didn’t want to go back to town the third time today. I will take care of them early next week or tomorrow.

I have some little smokies in BBQ sauce in the crock pot for dinner. I will fix some more of the corn on the cob to go with it and call it dinner. I had forgotten to lay anything else out to fix and had the little smokies and they needed to get used.

Next week will be busy with moving more stuff and helping with some packing. I’m grateful things are going to proceed and get finalized and now plans for the future can be made. Still have a few moving parts to work through but forward progress is being made.

Tagen was a trooper again today and carried some heavy totes full of stuff up the stairs like the totes didn’t weigh anything. Not sure we would be as far along with this move without his strong muscles and help. Kathy pitched in again and help fill and unload her car with boxes.

Looking forward to Sunday and family day. It will be good to take a day of rest with the family and have a fun day together. Lots to celebrate Sunday.

Sitting in a good head space today. I have been surprised I have been able to handle all the chaos without getting triggered. So far, so good. I will need to take a day or two next week and practice some good self-care so I can remain grounded and centered.

Grateful for Tagen and Kathy’s help today, grateful three more loads have been hauled, and grateful a settlement was reached.