Friday, July 27, 2018

Got up this morning and took my thyroid pill and then cleaned my very dirty bathroom.   Ate breakfast when I was done and then went into Emporia.  Picked up a full box of peaches, got a new pair of sandals and came home.  The peaches need to ripen for a day or two so won’t start making jam until Sunday or Monday.

Still need to clean my bedroom, living room, kitchen and dining room today.  Also need to check downstairs and see if I need to do anything down there.  My guests aren’t arriving until after 7:00 so have lots of time today to get everything done.

When I was trying on sandals I realized how big my bunions are getting.  I had to be careful what type of sandal I got so the bunions had enough room.  Mine are still not near as bad as Nicole’s and Kathy’s are.  Must be an inherited condition.

Feeling a bit better today.  Have a touch more energy than I have had for the last several days.  I’ll see how long it lasts.  Hopefully I will get some stuff done today.  I have not done much the last several days.

Got an automated call from the new pharmacy I will be using August 1.  They had received the new prescriptions my doctor had sent Wednesday and will fill them August 1.  I just filled all of mine and don’t need refills yet except for one that the doctor changed from a 30 day script to a 90 day script.  It was a recorded message so I couldn’t talk to anyone.  I will go on-line August 1 and see if I can get them stopped.  If not, I will be well stocked up.

Have a chance for rain overnight tonight.  Keeping my fingers and toes crossed it will happen.  Sure liking the cooler temperatures that are in the forecast for the next several days.

Still sitting with a touch of restlessness.  It feels familiar to me.  It had quieted down for several months but seems to be back paying me a visit.  It usually stirs up the inner child in me that questions if I am good enough and if I am doing enough.  Helps that I can now recognize it and not feel like I have to do something with it.  Sitting with it and allowing it to be is getting easier for me.  I still find myself wanting to scratch the itch it creates – until I remember I don’t dance to that tune anymore.  I am enough!  I am good enough!  I am allowed to “be” and not “do”.

Grateful for a clean bathroom, grateful for fresh peaches, and grateful for learning how to “be” and not chase my tail like I used to trying to prove something to myself.