Friday, July 21, 2023

No plumber today. Why am I not surprised! I did go talk to the mechanic about Tagen’s pickup. I think we got good news. I don’t understand these things. There is something on it called a MAP sensor. It runs better when it is disconnected. The mechanic put a new one on and nothing changed. He is going to try another new one in case the first new one was defective. If we get the same results he will leave it disconnected. Go figure that one out – it is above my pay grade.

The pickup will be ready to come home Monday. Michelle will need to get it tagged on Monday and it will be good to go. She has insurance for it ready to go on Monday. The boy should have wheels Monday! Yay!

I have had a do-nothing day. I took a good nap in my recliner this afternoon. I got woke up this morning by the yippy little dog and I wasn’t ready to wake up when I did. I laid back down but couldn’t go back to sleep. I felt draggy and low energy all day. It has been a bit cloudy and overcast today but no rain. Felt like a good nap type of day.

I heard a commotion downstairs this morning. I went down and the little dog was on Kathy’s bed shaking. Louis, the cat was on the floor with it’s fur spiked out. The two of them were glaring at each other. I guess they had a lover’s quarrel or else they don’t like each other. Not sure what was going on. I brought the dog upstairs and closed the cat in his room and put both of them in time-out. I tell you it is a zoo around here somedays.

I am cleaning out the refrigerator for dinner tonight and serving leftovers. I haven’t done that with the kiddos before so we shall see how this goes over. May end up making grilled cheese sandwiches or ham sandwiches. I forgot about fixing dinner until just now so you get what you get sometimes.

Tomorrow afternoon we are getting another load or two from Michelle’s house to bring out. Will do the same on Sunday. Not sure what is ready to come but we need to get things out here. Haven’t heard if they are any closer to selling the house yet. Sure would be nice if they got an offer this weekend.

Sunday I will do a load of laundry and pack. We will have to leave around 4:30 or 5:00 for the airport. We have an 8:30 flight. Trusting all will be on schedule and we will arrive on time. Good thing we can sleep in a bit Monday morning.

I have this feeling like I am forgetting something for the trip that is important for me to do before I leave. Wish I could figure out what it is. Hate to leave Kathy to deal with something I forgot to do.

I got all the beef I am getting spoken for. It will be good to have a freezer full of fresh beef come the middle of August. I still have some left over from last years beef that I need to use up. Sure is some good eating.

Somedays I can get lots done, and other days I get nothing done. This was a get nothing done type of day. Only problem is I seem to have more of those days these days than the get lots done type of days. Sign of getting old?

Grateful the pickup will be coming home Monday, grateful the beef is spoken for, and grateful for naps on cloudy days.