Friday, July 21, 2017

This may be the longest day yet! I barely slept last night. I took a second bath around 4:00 as sometimes that helps me relax enough to fall asleep. It worked but Tagen had a bad dream and woke me up at 4:30. He had trouble going back to sleep so I was up with him until after 5:00. He finally fell back asleep but I didn’t. Is it nap time yet?

Ellexia went home with her mom and dad last night. They came out and took showers as Emporia had water issues yesterday.

Kathy helped me get Legend and Roxy in my car this morning so I could take them in for their annual vet check. Tagen went with me and helped me get them from the car into the vet office. Both checked out really good and didn’t seem to notice the blood draw and the two shots they each got. Legend weighed 88 pounds and Roxy is 61 pounds.

We had to bring the dogs home and then go back into town to get Ellexia. I didn’t have room in my car for her with the dogs too. We stopped at the grocery store to get junk food for the kids today and then came back to the house. Legend had gone swimming this morning and I now smell like a wet dog. May need to take a shower and change my clothes.

I warned the kiddos I am tired and cranky today and it will be in their best interest if they behave today. Afraid I don’t have much patience today.

Thankfully other than watching the kiddos I don’t have anything else I have to do today. I need to clean house but it may have to wait for one more day.

My head feels like it is floating six feet above me today. My thought process is slow. Trusting I will make it through the day.

Another very hot day on the prairie today. All is well!

One Reply to “Friday, July 21, 2017”

  1. I can certainly sympathize with no sleep days. I only require about 5 hours a night but if I get any less than that I am grouchy beyond belief. I vote for a nap.

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