Friday, January 6, 2023

Another productive day for me today.  I woke up at 3:00 this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep.  I got up and make Eclairs for our dessert on Saturday and cooked the chicken for the soup I am making.  Went back to bed around 4:30 and was able to get a second sleep.

Made and frosted sugar cookies this morning.  It wasn’t as much fun this year as I didn’t have my grandchildren helping me.  It just didn’t work out for them to do that this year.

Went to lunch with a dear friend.  I always enjoy time with my friends.  I hadn’t talked to anyone for a couple of days so was nice to have conversation with someone other than myself.  We were the only lunch customers at the Grand today.

When I got home from lunch the Locksmith came and installed the key pad lock on the back door.  Now I can secure the house when I am away.  Grateful to cross that project off my pending list.

I made a batch of New Year’s Cookies this afternoon.  Trust they turned out OK.  They look good.  The house has a fried oil smell to it now though.  I’ll have to put some essential oil in the humidifier and clear the air.

I have three more treats to make if I find the energy and time.  Tomorrow morning I am making two different soups for dinner tomorrow night.  I should have some time after I get the soups made to make them.  I do need to get some cleaning done though so we will see what I get done tonight.  I may have to cross the other treats off my list.

The distilled water in the humidifier seems to not be leaving a white film on things.  Not sure I want to spend the money to buy distilled water though.  I’ll have to price shop around town and see who has the best price on it.

I’m excited the kids are all coming tomorrow for our Christmas.  Those are the best days when they come home for a meal and time together.

I have a honey do list for them to do tomorrow.  Little do they know that is their payment for a meal!  Ha!  I need some furniture moved and some smoke detector batteries replaced.  They are much taller than I am and stronger so they will make short work of the few things I need done.

I haven’t heard from the guttering guy.  Guess he isn’t going to make it out here this week or if he did, he didn’t tell me.  I will call him again next week if I still haven’t heard from him.

I need to go to Verizon next week and get my Apple Watch working.  I got a new one and I can’t make or receive phone calls on it.  Not sure what I did wrong when I was loading it.  I got the watch that is to make calls even when you are not close to your phone.  Sure hope Verizon can get it going for me.

I will have lots of free time on my hands the next couple of weeks.  Trying to figure out what to do with it.  I will start getting busier once I start doing taxes a couple days a week.  I think that starts mid February.  I don’t do as well when I don’t have things on my calendar at least a couple days a week.  Too much time alone is not healthy for me.  Hard to find the balance of that sometimes though.

Grateful the lock got installed today, grateful some more treats got made, and grateful for the time I spent with my dear friend.