Wow January flew by so quickly. I can’t grasp that tomorrow is the first of February. Yet Christmas 2024 seems like it was a year ago. I have a weird relationship with time these days.
I stayed in bed until noon today. I would wake up and read for a bit and then doze back off. Rinse and repeat all morning long. I didn’t have any real reason I needed to get up so decided to stay in bed and relax.
I got started on my own tax prep today. I am about 35% done. It feels good to have gotten that project started. I have a free weekend so hoping I can get them done by Sunday evening. I think I have all the tax forms in so maybe I can drop them off at the accountant’s office next week.
I’ve struggled a bit to stay above neutral today. I had some hard feelings I needed to process and allow to surface to be felt. I listened to some videos that addressed exactly what I am feeling and that helped. I love when what I need shows up for me at the exact moment. That seems to happen more and more lately.
I walked both dogs late afternoon. It felt good to get out and walk a mile. It was pleasant out today although the wind was a bit brisk. I only needed a sweatshirt though. It is to be in the low 60’s over the weekend. Spring-like weather to kick off February. I am very ready for spring. I’m sure we will have a few more blasts of winter before it is truly spring but I will take the days that hint at spring between now and then.
February is filling up for me with seven days of doing taxes already scheduled. I am the backup for Monday and Tuesdays so maybe get even more days added before the month is over. I have to go to KC twice the second week of February for testing that will complete my exercise program.
It will be nice to have two free stay at home days ahead. I am feeling the need to isolate and insure I can keep myself regulated and above neutral before I see people again.
Next week I have to go to Topeka Monday morning for a doctor’s appointment and then I have my last exercise session in the afternoon. Tuesday and Thursday mornings I am doing taxes at the Emporia Senior Center. That will make the week go by quickly.
Feeling a bit unsettled this afternoon. I had a big exeprience yesterday and I am working my way into acceptance and trust but am not there yet. The videos I watched today helped. I saved them so I can rewatch them to remind me of why this had to happen. Deep down I know it is the right thing but my heart, gut and brain are not completely aligned yet. I will get there – it is going to take me some time though. My old brain is challenging me today with the what now questions. I am doing some work to reprogram it into acceptance to quiet that down.
Grateful for a spring like day in KS today, grateful for a mile walk with the dogs today, and grateful that acceptance and trust is within my reach.