Had a very weird thing happen today. When I came out to my car after grocery shopping at Walmart I got a text on my phone. I reached for my phone to read the text. The phone felt weird and I looked at it again. It was not my phone. It was on the console where I place my phone to charge in my car. My phone was in my coat pocket.
Not sure how the phone got in my car. When I went into Walmart I locked the car. I had stopped at Jacalito’s for lunch before I went to Walmart and had not locked my car there. My car was also unlocked all night. I hadn’t put my phone on the charger between home and Jacalito’s or between Jacalito’s and Walmart.
I took the phone to the Chase County Sheriff’s office when I got home from exercise. The deputy called me later and asked me if some names sounded familiar. They did not. Oh the mystery of things sometimes!
After I bought groceries I went to exercise. When I was checking out at Walmart I got really hot and my heart stated to race. I got very light headed. I took off my coat and finished up. Walked out to my car without my coat on and cooled down a bit. I felt a bit better so went to exercise. About 30 minutes into exercise it happened again. I had to sit down for a bit. I felt better but my trainer and I decided maybe I better stop exercise for the day. Came home and it hasn’t happened again.
Weird day to say the least.
Someone came over this afternoon for some help with some tax issues. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to offer much help other than to confirm the taxes last year didn’t look right to me. I helped her develop a game plan and we shall see what happens. It has been ten years since I did payroll and sales tax reports and things have changed and I have forgotten a lot of things.
I am ready to get locked in at home for the next couple of days. We are in a major winter storm warning for the weekend. I moved my exercise session that was scheduled for next Monday to next Friday just to be safe. I really don’t like to drive on icy roads.
I stopped on the way home from Emporia and filled my car up with gas. I like to keep it full during the winter and it wasn’t as cold today as it will be next week. Don’t plan on going anywhere but like to have it full just in case.
Last night I called my last Aunt and had a wonderful conversation with her. Her birthday was this week and I wanted to wish her a happy birthday. She is in her upper 80’s and still lives alone. She is starting to have trouble with falling and had a bad fall a bit back. She has lots of great grandchildren that made her Christmas fun. It always feels like I had a conversation with my mother when I talk to her.
I have a quiet week next week. It will be a challenge walking the dogs in the bitter cold. Guessing we will only walk them long enough for them to do their business and then will return home. They love the cold weather but I don’t.
It will be good to have a couple of stay at home days coming up. I’m anxious to see how this house does in the bitter cold. It is a cold house already and have a feeling I am going to find it is even colder when the temperature drops below zero. I’m grateful I got some space heaters to help us out a bit. Wonder where we go in town if the power goes out and we need a warming station. Fingers crossed that doesn’t happen. I had a propane fireplace at the country house so had a nice heat source when the power went out. Don’t have that here. I do have a gas stove so maybe I can turn the oven on and keep the oven door open. Not sure that will heat much of the house but will keep us from totally freezing I guess.
Sitting in a good head space tonight. I have been able to keep myself regulated and above neutral the last couple of days even when I was around people. The speed of things happening in the world right now takes my breath away. I do better when I tune out the news for the most part and stay focused on my inner world. I have started limiting my reading of the news to ten minutes a day. Any more than that and I get pulled off center.
Grateful for the Sheriffs Department, grateful for my Aunt, and grateful the groceries are stocked and ready for some snow days.