Home again after being with my Match guy since Monday evening. We had a grand time. We took several hikes, went to see a huge herd of bison, saw a bunch of deer, went to a concert, made a jigsaw puzzle, and enjoyed each other’s company. It was hard to say goodbye and come home this morning.
He continues to impress me with his compassion and awareness of my feelings. I had a moment last night and he handled it beautifully.
I stopped at Costco in Wichita to pick up two things. The road construction in that area is terrible. Ended up taking 21st Street North to get to a different Turnpike entrance as Kellogg is hard to get to.
I hit light mist and fog just north of El Dorado. It has been lightly raining ever since I got home around 2:30. The forecast shows it will turn to snow sometime this evening although accumulation is not predicted to be more than an inch or two. The chicken coop is a muddy mess. Most of the snow has melted and there is water standing in much of the yard. It should all freeze up tomorrow as temperatures aren’t to get over 20 and will dip to single digits overnight tomorrow night. Thankfully it is to warm back up Sunday and stay more comfortable next week. I am not a fan of cold weather.
I have done three loads of laundry and have one more load to wash. I so appreciate my friend staying in my house while I was gone. The dogs and cats do better when someone is here all day and evening and not just have someone drop by for ten minutes twice a day. All the critters seemed happy and content when I got home this afternoon. One of the chickens had laid a fairy egg.
I am really tired this evening. Betting it will be an early bath and bedtime for me unless I catch a second wind and find some energy. I’m glad I have a quiet weekend planned so I can rest and recover.
Tuesday next week I go to my foot surgeon to find out what he says about my bunions. They flare up and are painful at times. Even a light blanket over my foot at night hurts. Sure hoping the doctor recommends something besides surgery but not really counting on it. Guess I will find out Tuesday.
I have tax preparation class next week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. That will make next week go by quickly. I still need to take my two tests from this week’s classes that I missed. I’ll do that either tomorrow or Sunday. I’m too tired to do it tonight.
Sitting in my peaceful valley this evening. Contemplating where this relationship with my Match guy is going and how it might unfold. I am aware of the need to continue to choose each moment and not get ahead of myself by trying to figure out how the future will unfold. It still feels complicated to look too far ahead which is my warning to stay present and not get caught up in the details of how the future will unfold.
Grateful for my Match guy and the many ways he shows great compassion for me, grateful for my house sitter that allowed me a chance to get away, and grateful for a safe journey to and from OK.
Glad you had a great getaway! I have some advice on bunions I’ve had one for years!