Finally a day that went according to plan A. I went into the Symphony office this morning a little after 9:00 to help finish the Newsletter. We were done around 11:45. Stopped at Ad Astra for lunch and the Director of the Symphony was there. She invited me to sit with her and ended up buying my lunch. How nice was that?
Came home and rested. My cough got activated this morning and I was worn out from coughing. It finally quieted down this afternoon. Went out and did chicken chores and walked down to get the mail. It is cold outside but the sun has been shining all day which makes my soul feel warm.
When I first got up this morning and was walking to go to the bathroom I looked out my bedroom window. The sun was just cresting above the horizon. I consider it a sacred moment and an honor to watch the sun rise. I actually slept for ten hours straight last night. I was exhausted last night for some reason and went to bed at 9:30 and fell asleep almost immediately. I didn’t wake up until 7:30 this morning. I think I could get used to sleeping at night! I’m tired again this evening so hoping for a repeat. If I have taught my body how to sleep all night having this crud will have been worth it.
Tomorrow I have a tax preparation shift from 9:00- noon and then will go watch Ellexia do gymnastics for a bit. Tomorrow is my last day off for a bit as I will be watching the grandkids all week. I do need to make a Walmart run sometime tomorrow. I haven’t been for two weeks and my list is getting long.
I finally got the kitchen cleaned up this afternoon. I was so tired I went to bed with dirty dishes in the sink. I rarely do that. I also hadn’t folded and put away the laundry that I had washed yesterday. Got things put back in order and needed to sit and rest a bit before I fix dinner. When I move around a bit my cough comes back. Uhhh…. I’m so tired of this crud!
Trying to think of some things I can fix the grandkids for dinner while I am watching them. I would prefer we didn’t go out every night for dinner. I am still not very hungry and nothing sounds good. I was going to make a list and get stuff tomorrow but may have to get stuff day by day if I don’t get inspired soon.
Sitting in my peaceful valley. I seemed to be camping out here for a bit which is fine with me. The flu kinda knocked the stuffings out of me and I haven’t had the energy to take on anything other than sleep. Puts things in perspective for me when I get sick. Am starting to push myself a bit though as one can’t sit forever. It felt good to walk to the mail box today. Maybe next week I can start my training again. I’m afraid that went away quickly when I got sick. Maybe that is what caused me to get sick? Doubt it but maybe that will become my story!! Ha!
Grateful for the beautiful sunrise this morning, grateful the Newsletter is completed, and grateful my house is back in order.