Friday, February 7, 2025

I went to Council Grove today for lunch with a friend. I stopped at the Grand and picked up food and drove north. It was a delightful couple of hours to spend with a dear friend.

I got up to go to the restroom and a dog was blocking my way. I tried to step over the dog and reached down to keep the dog calm. My bad as I startled the dog and he snapped at me. He caught my hand. It barely broke the skin. Not sure what is up with me and dogs. Both times it was my fault as I disturbed sleeping dogs. Maybe I have learned my lesson.

I came home and took a nap in my chair. I was wiped out. It had been a busy week and I think things caught up with me. I finally got out of my chair and went to the bed to get some good rest. Not sure I will sleep tonight as I slept most of the afternoon and into the evening.

I don’t have anything I have to do this weekend so hoping two stay at home days will help me refill and recharge. I do need to do a bit of housecleaning but that helps ground and center me.

Found out the doctor’s appointment I thought was on Wednesday is on Monday. I had a free day Monday so all is good. Not sure how I got the days mixed up but grateful I figured it out and didn’t miss the appointment. Tuesday and Friday I have to go to KC for the final KU research program testing. It is to snow Tuesday so I will see if I can make it.

Not sure why this week I had a couple of rough feeling days. Both times I felt like something suddenly pulled my plug and drained me. It was an internal thing and not something someone did to me. I am betting it is a response to all the external stimulus that is happening in the world. I fool myself into thinking I am blocking it out and in reality I am taking it all in. I am an empath and I take on energy that doesn’t belong. I guess my body is trying to help me let go of it.

It is such a weird time right now in this world. I have trouble reconciling my head, heart and brain with the dual reality that appears to be happening. As what is happening in DC gradually spreads out and becomes real to me in a personal way maybe things will merge and I can make better sense of things. I need to remember to stay in love and stay out of the muck regardless of how close it comes.

Grateful for lunch with a friend, grateful for extra sleep this afternoon, and grateful I figured out the right day to go to my doctor’s appointment next week.