What a beautiful spring-like day. It reached over 70 today. Maybe it will stay this way through March. I know that is wishful thinking but one can always hope.
I went to Council Grove for lunch today. A friend had a fall during the ice storm the first part of January and is recovering nicely but it is hard for her to get out and about yet. Six of us joined her at the Hays House for lunch. It was a beautiful day to drive through the Flint Hills and meet friends for lunch.
I look forward to two stay at home days this weekend. It turned out to be a busy week for me and I need a couple days at home. I don’t have much planned to do this weekend and I am going to give myself some quiet time at home alone.
I haven’t heard an update from Tagen’s house about the water issue. I had two plumbers that were to go there today and see if they could get him hot and cold running water. Hope one or the other made it and he is fixed up. He hasn’t had water for over a week.
Still wrapping my head around the fact that tomorrow is March 1. These first two months of this year went by so fast. I swear it is going to be Christmas before I know it.
Today is the economic black out day. All of us that went for lunch paid with cash and we went to a locally owned restaurant. It will be interesting to see if stores report lower sales than normal today or not. I think the planned week long boycott will be more telling. I’m grateful someone came up with an idea that we can participate in that is peaceful and may be powerful.
Grateful for a lunch with my friends, grateful for a beautiful drive through the Flint Hills, and grateful for a quiet weekend ahead.