Both chicks are still alive this morning. I had a dream the one in the incubator had died. Glad to find out it was just a dream. I was almost afraid to look in the incubator when I got up. I heard chirping so I knew something was alive in there. I carried it downstairs to the big girl nursery so the first one hatched has company. The other six eggs are not showing any signs yet of hatching. The expert I get advice from told me to wait until day 25 before giving up on them. Today is day 21.
Nicole made it safely to her hotel. Not sure where in the world she is at. She had been up for over 31 hours last I texted with her and was going to try to get some sleep. She had to be downstairs in her hotel in 6.5 hours to start her tour.
Half way done with another blanket. Sure wished I knew what to do with them. They are piling up! Have another big stack that needs their ends weaved in. Prairie Past Times is having their art day Sunday so I may take them and do it there. Maybe I can find a home for some of them there.
Cleaned out my pantry today and got rid of the food we will no longer be eating. I have two big boxes full. I plan on taking them to Emporia when I go next time and drop them off at the little food pantry box. Someone that is helping with it said I could drop the rest at her house and she will take them when the box isn’t full. I may just drop both boxes off with her so I only have to make one stop. I need to figure out how to make the boxes lighter. They are too heavy to lift off the floor.
Kathy and I cleaned out the refrigerator freezer. Found some hamburger from 2014! Yuck! There was food I had long since forgotten was in there. Most of that had to go in the trash as it was freezer burned. Nice to have freezer space again. I need to clean out my freezer in the garage next. Too cold today to do it.
The shock collar for Sophia came in today. The last one Kathy had gotten for her had a short in it and it shocked Sophia all the time. Sophia is a bit of a wuss so it may take her a while to get used to it. It will be nice to let her run while Kathy is gone in March and know that Sophia will not run away.
The nurse from my Endocrinologist office called yesterday to tell me my ultrasound I had done Monday came back clean. Yeah! I have blood tests scheduled again sometime in March and then I go see the Endocrinologist again in June. I’ll have another ultrasound and more blood tests then.
Need to go to town and get a few things but am waiting for the temperature to climb a bit and for the gravel road to thaw a bit. Kathy walked down to the mailbox and could barely keep on her feet the driveway was so slick. Chase County cancelled school again today due to the slick gravel roads. We are to get more moisture this evening and tonight. May be Sunday before I can get to town. I don’t need anything too urgent so it can wait until it is safe. I don’t like driving when the roads are bad.
Didn’t get my house cleaned yesterday. As muddy as it is I hate to do it yet. We will just track in after chores. Another couple of days won’t hurt – right?
Eggs are piling up again. Got rid of seven dozen Wednesday and already had seven more dozen. Need to find some regular customers. Anyone want a regular supply of fresh, country eggs?
Grateful for two, live baby chicks, grateful for my yarn supply as it gives me something to do when I am trapped at home, and grateful Nicole made it safely to her destination.