Friday, February 14, 2025

Made it to my appointment at 9:00. I did a series of physical exercises including sit to stands, lifting weights, leg pushes, walking down a hallway and a treadmill test among others. I was grateful when it was over.

I also had blood drawn twice and a finger stick. They had to poke me twice the second time as the tube the blood goes in wasn’t working. My finger stick bleed for about ten minutes and there was blood all over the floor. That’s what you get when you stick me after 15 minutes on the treadmill. My finger tip where they stuck me is all black and blue.

They were having trouble getting my blood pressure down after the treadmill and finally decided to take it manually instead of using the auto machine. It was fine with the manual reading.

The exercises felt a bit easier to me than they did a year ago. They shared some of the results with me and I see a bit of improvement from where I was a year ago but not much. I know I was doing better when I had a trainer three days a week than only once. I need the accountability of being on a schedule with someone else to get me to the gym. I’m going to have to figure out how to do it alone and make it work.

I stopped for lunch as I hadn’t gotten to eat breakfast as I had to go in fasting. I ate and then drove home. It was sprinkling a bit as I came out of KC but that never developed into real rain.

When I got home I went to bed. I was completely wiped out. I slept hard for a couple of hours. Not sure why I was so tired as I had slept well last night, although I wasn’t ready to have to get up this morning at 8:00. I still don’t feel rested but better than I was when I got home.

My final appointment is scheduled for next Tuesday but that is the day another major winter storm is coming through. Not sure if it will be cancelled if I can’t make it or if they will try to reschedule. Someone said my window of opportunity closes the 20th but not sure what that means. It wouldn’t hurt my feelings if they cancel it and don’t reschedule.

Last night at dinner Nicole and I were talking about the retreat we went to in Sedona. I mentioned that the group leader had kicked me out of the group chat on WhatsApp after she received my review of the retreat. Nicole checked and found out she had been kicked out too. Nicole sent the leader a text and asked her why. After a bit of back and forth the leader wrote “You were both so rude the whole time. I have no obligation to stay in contact with people who wish to abuse others. Have a good night.”

I am speechless at that response. I don’t think I have ever experienced a more unprofessional person in my life. Not sure what to do about it other than to let it go and laugh. Guess I now know why my review was never published. I did go back and read other reviews and anyone that left any sort of criticism she countered with it was your fault you didn’t do something or misread the rules, etc. Passive/aggressive much? Narcissistic? Grateful our paths won’t cross again.

No plans for the next three days. Hoping to be able to stay home and rest. I will probably have to go get groceries at some point but don’t have anything else on the agenda. Tuesday I am scheduled to go back to KC and Thursday I will be doing taxes. I’m grateful I don’t have too busy of a week coming up. It is time for me to slow things down again.

Grateful for a safe trip to and from KC, grateful the physical exercise part of testing is over, and grateful for life lessons about not taking personally what others say and do.