I am feeling a bit better today although I don’t have much energy. I did go to the doctor this morning. I have a virus so not much he can do for me. I did get something to help calm my cough. My stomach hurts from coughing so much. I haven’t had much of an appetite. I did manage to get a cup of soup down this afternoon.
Went out to do chicken chores after my nap this afternoon. It is absolutely beautiful outside. I drove down to pick up my mail as I didn’t think I had enough energy to walk down and back. No wind and mid 50’s. Supposed to be even warmer tomorrow.
My temperature has stayed below 100 today. Thinking by Monday I will be on the road to recovery. The doctor did say I may have a rough weekend. All I feel like doing is sitting or sleeping. I am working to drink a lot of fluids even though food doesn’t sound good right now.
Being sick always humbles me a bit. I take my good health for granted sometimes and having a set back like this always catches me a bit off guard. Trusting this crud will pass quickly and I will be back to my normal level of physical activity soon. I am a bit encouraged that today has been better than yesterday.
When I was in town I was going to stop and pick up a few groceries but after going to the doctor and the pharmacy I was worn out and came home. Maybe tomorrow or Sunday I will feel I can handle walking through the grocery store. I have plenty of food on hand – just not a few things that I would like to have.
I will continue to rest and drink lots of fluids. This too shall pass….
Grateful for the beautiful day today, grateful this virus is going away, and grateful I can rest as needed.
Dang it sorry to hear you’re sick! Seems I always manage to be under the weather when the weather is great! As of right now knock on wood I feel fine… LOL