I wasn’t ready to get up when the alarm went off this morning. I had trouble falling asleep last night and it felt like a short night of sleep.
I met Tagen at 10:0 and we went to the bank to open two accounts. Not sure why but it took over an hour to get those accounts open. The lady finally got it done and I took Tagen back home.
I went for lunch and then went to two places to look for a washer and dryer. I thought I was going to have to go to Wichita to get a set but found a set close to the price I had seen at Costco here in Emporia.
The plumber that is going to replace the sewer line at Tagen’s house came on schedule at 1:00. He ran a camera down the line and found a spot where the joint had separated and was not allowing the water to flow easily. There were lots of tree roots in the line in places too. The end of the line was full of water which the plumber said was not good.
He is to get me a bid by Monday. I guess the guy I called does the digging but works with a licensed plumber. I hadn’t heard from the guy I had called and was wondering if he was going to come through for me. The plumber said he had about three or four weeks left this year to get the work done before the ground freezes too hard and he won’t be able to do it until spring.
I came home and was exhausted. I sat in my corner chair and ended up falling asleep. I would wake up and decide I would sleep for just a bit more. Ended up sleeping for about three hours.
My cousin stopped by this evening. He brought us a beautiful poinsettia. How sweet was that? I need to find a place for it that the cats won’t bother it as I think it is dangerous and bad for cats to eat.
Tomorrow I have to be at Matfield Green at 9:00 to help with a mailing. It sounds like we will have plenty of hands so it should get done quickly. If I have time, I will go to Emporia and get the washer and dryer for Tagen.
Sunday is a stay at home and I am hoping to get some more treats made. Monday I have exercise and Tuesday I need to pack for my trip Wednesday. I have kept pushing this trip to the back burner and all of a sudden it is being moved to the front. I haven’t even made a packing list yet so I better start giving it a thought. I’m only going for four nights so I won’t need much.
Still haven’t thought of what to get some people for Christmas and what games we are going to be doing. I have two weeks left to decide and get it done. Maybe after the trip to Sedona I can pull myself together and get it done.
Winter Solstice is two weeks away. I am craving the return of the light. Sometimes these last two weeks are hard for me. I am doing my best to take good care of myself and practice good self-care. Trusting I can avoid a dip into the muck pond this year.
Grateful the sewer line project is in the works, grateful the bank accounts got opened today, and grateful for another long afternoon nap.