Friday, December 30, 2022

I haven’t been blogging for a bit.  Needed to take a break and do life for a bit.  I have made some major life changes and needed privacy and time to sort everything out.  Things are still a little upside down but starting to settle down.

I filed for divorce the last week of October.  Jim left our home on November 6 and returned to Stillwater, OK where he is buying a new house.  Our divorce was finalize yesterday, December 29.

There are still some moving parts to finalize and work through but for the most part the worst is behind me.  I look forward to turning a new page on January 1, 2023 and starting the year off with a clean slate.

I am continuing to see my mental health counselor.  She has been wonderful helping me through this process and encouraging me to find the strength to do what was best for me.  As a chronic people pleaser and co-dependent person, that can be hard for me to do.

Have spent lots of time today downstairs cleaning.  Jim cleared out the last of his belongings yesterday so now I can clean the basement and reset the house.  I am using this time to go through my belongings and weed out the things I no longer want/need.

I haven’t made any long-term decisions about what I am going to do yet.  I need to let the dust settle and get in a better mental and physical state before I make any decisions.  I will be nesting here this winter and then deciding come spring time if I want to stay in this house or do something different.

I want to give a shout out to my family and friends that have walked this difficult path with me.  Every need I had was met almost before I knew I had a need.  I have never felt so supported before.  I only can hope that I can return the favor to all that have supported me through this.  It has made this difficult time much easier.

It will be good to get back to blogging on a daily bases.  I have missed writing as that is one way I use to process my feelings and thoughts.  It’s good to be back!

Grateful for all the love and support I have been given from my friends and family these last three months, grateful the divorce was settled without having to go to court, and grateful for new beginnings that await me.

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