Michelle and Tim came out for dinner last night so they could pick up the kiddos. Tim checked out my chicken coop door and needs to come back tonight with the right tools to fix it. Good thing he is coming back as it froze shut again last night. It is to be bitterly cold the next three days. He is going to cut the floor mat away from the bottom of the door area. Over time the mat has lifted and now that it has water on it the door sticks to it. He was going to try to sand the door down but it makes more sense to cut the floor mat away.
I went into Emporia this morning to get groceries and pet food. Hoping not to have to leave the house the next three days. I don’t like being out when it is single digits outside.
Put a beef stew in the oven when I got home from town. With cold weather coming it sounded good! I love the way it makes the house smell while it is cooking.
May run over to Lebo this afternoon to deliver my brothers their Christmas gift of fudge and New Year’s Cookies. I attempted to give Chad his while I was in town but couldn’t find him. It will be too cold to go over the weekend.
It finally feels like some empty space has opened up for me. Absolutely nothing for me to have to do for the next couple of days. I started a big zig saw puzzle that I may have time to work on. Trusting my calendar will remain empty and I can stay home and listen to the quiet.
Kathy and Craig got home last night a little after 8:00. Fast trip to CO. Sure glad I stayed home and played with grandkids instead.
I was really tired last night but didn’t sleep very well. For some reason my hamstrings are tight and very sore. Not sure what I did to give them a reason to yell at me. It might be the cold weather is bothering them. Wonder how they will feel by Sunday when it really is to get cold?
Need to go down and put the heater in front of the chicken coop door again so Tim can get in and fix it when he comes out tonight. Things like that drive me crazy! Maybe I need to take a house repair 101 class and learn how to fix things myself.
Starting January 1 I am starting a 30 day money challenge. I won’t buy anything but food, pet food, replenish cleaning and personal supplies, medication and essential home repairs. I will start making a list when I go to the store and can only buy from my list – no impulse buys. No new clothes, equipment, tools, or new things. I will also attempt to clean out my pantry and freezer and only buy food that is perishable. I will give myself a small eating out allowance each month and when that is gone I can’t go out. If I am successful for 30 days I may see how long I can sustain it. I tried this last year and learned a lot about myself and my money habits. It will be interesting to see what lessons I learn about myself this year.
I view this more as a game I play with myself than anything else. I make the rules so I can break the rules as needed. It helps me feel more powerful about how I spend my money and feels like I am more in charge of my money via it running me. Life is more fun when I treat it like a game.
Got an email from the National Parks Services and my senior park pass is in the mail. I ordered it on April 25. It was to have taken 4 – 6 weeks. They must have been overwhelmed with how many were ordered. Sure wish the government was as forgiving with me if I was late with a tax payment.
Empty space at last! All is well on the frozen prairie today!