I didn’t get home from babysitting until after 12:30 last night. Saw several deer near the highway on the trip home. Luckily they stayed off the road and I didn’t have to play dodge ball on the highway. Had trouble falling asleep and if I did fall asleep I didn’t stay asleep very long.
Got up in a grumpy mood. My Match guy text me and was able to help lift my mood a bit. I finally was able to have a good cry and felt a bit better. Sometimes it seems like crying is a good way to release what ever it is that I am holding on to.
I didn’t attempt to do anything today. I could tell I wasn’t going to get much done so declared it a lazy day and did nothing. I started a zig saw puzzle and have worked on that off and on all day.
Took a short hike this afternoon and then took a long nap. Tonight there is a meteor shower if the clouds don’t overtake the sky and I want to go out and see if I can see any. Tomorrow night is the full moon and today was Winter Solstice. Thinking the energy of all of that pulled me down for a bit this morning.
My phone rang as I was waking up from my nap. The dear friends I met on the Camino called to bust my chops about saying I was going on a retreat when I went away with my Match guy. It is always a delight to talk to them. They helped turned my day around.
Nothing much on my calendar for the next week. I do need to clean the house for the guests that are arriving December 26 but I cleaned it really good before I left earlier this month so will just need to touch it up.
Nice to have a long stretch of empty space ahead of me. I may get my income tax records updated and ready to go and get my files cleaned out. I also need to clean out my storage closet and get rid of some things in it. When I did a bed shuffle I piled things up in the closet and have never gotten rid of the extra stuff. I don’t like not being able to find things so need to get that room sorted out. Anyone need a twin bed set?
Found three eggs in the roosting area of the coop today. I threw them out for the chickens to eat. Not sure why three of them decided to lay their eggs while roosting. I have seen an egg there before but this was the first for three at once. I hate wasting eggs but that is a real dirty part of the coop and I didn’t want to use an egg that came from that part of the pop. Chickens love to eat raw eggs so guess that will serve as their Christmas present.
Found my peaceful valley this evening. It was a rocky morning but a nap gave me a new perspective. Maybe my word for 2019 should have been sleep! It sure seems to be a struggle for me to find good sleep consistently. May go into music at Cottonwood Falls for a bit tonight. I need to make myself get out and be around people more. IF I go I will enjoy it – it is getting out the door that is hard for me.
Grateful for dear friends that call and lift my spirits, grateful for naps that revive my tired body, and grateful for empty space that recharges my soul.