Friday, December 1, 2023

The newsletter for Pioneer Bluffs is ready to go to the post office Monday morning. Kathy, Sharon, Vickie and Jaque all came over and helped me get the job done this morning. We got started around 10:00 and were done by 2:00. We even took an hour and had some soup and corn bread followed by fudge and peanut brittle. I so appreciated their help. They made a job feel more like fun.

The window guys decided not to come today. The weather forecast was a bit iffy and they come down from Topeka. I’m glad they didn’t come today – it would not have been a fun day for them to be outside or to have a hole in the house that would let all the cold air in. There is a rather brisk, cold wind today. Next week is calling for temperatures in the upper 50’s and lower 60’s and will be a much better temperature range to work in.

I have a big pile of boxes that need to go to recycling Monday when I take the newsletters to the post office. I grabbed a couple of the boxes and put my Christmas things that I am taking to Craig’s house a week from tomorrow.

I brought up 12 eggs from the girls today. It was cold walking down there today. The girls were outside though but wisely staying out of the wind. I sold three dozen eggs today so it was good I got a dozen from the girls today. I may bake some cookies tomorrow and will need a few eggs for that.

Decided I better do my chocolate day either tomorrow or Sunday. I don’t think I want to be working on them while they are replacing windows in the dining room and living room next week. Who knows what might blow in and get on the candy. I don’t have anything on my calendar this weekend so I can get that project done.

Will still need to make another batch or two of fudge and peanut brittle and maybe some Christmas sugar cookies and then I will be done. When Christmas gets closer I will make some New Year’s Cookies and another batch of fudge and peanut brittle to take to my two brothers in Lebo. That is the only thing I give them for Christmas.

One day early next week I will need to go to Emporia and go see the Chiropractor again as well as deposit a check. I also need to stop and talk to the insurance agent and find how what their quote is for house insurance for next year. Other than that I don’t have anything on my calendar for next week. The window guys will be here all week finishing up their job. Kathy will be glad when they are done so she can park in the garage again. They are using her side of the garage as their work station and storage unit.

Friday I will need to bake a cheesecake and pack the car up for the trip to Wichita on Saturday. I will need to stop in Emporia on the way and pick up Ellexia’s birthday cake I ordered. Not sure if anyone else will be riding down with me or not.

I am hoping this week I can get the tea towels I stamped out and get started on those. I don’t have much else to do and that would give me something to do while the window guys are here. I’m a bit anxious to see how they do the big windows on the west side of the house and the three very high windows. I wouldn’t want to have to be on a tall ladder and repair woodwork trim around those windows.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed today looking at my blank calendar for the next couple of months. I need to find something to put on it. Too much empty space time is not good for my soul. Hard for me to find the right balance of free time versus scheduled time sometimes.

Grateful the newsletter got done so quickly today with all the good help that came, grateful for the fellowship we shared as we worked together today, and grateful it is going to warm up next week.