Friday, August 5, 2022

I finished the Care giver Doula class today and passed the test. I was disappointed in this class. I’m still a bit confused as to what a Care Giver Doula can and cannot do. Grateful it was a free add-on and not the class I paid for. Good to have it out of the way and completed.

I sent my Notary approval letter to the company that bonded me and am awaiting their final approval so I can begin notarizing things.

I did two more classes in the Death Doula class. I finished up the second part of the class which was on the disease process of the top ten diseases that a Death Doula will see. Interesting material but a bit overwhelming to a non-medical person. Still not thinking that is the path for me but we shall see where this journey takes me. I will start the third and final section of the class tomorrow. I need to call Hospice in Emporia on Monday and find out if they received my application and if so if I was accepted and when I can do their training. I mailed the application while we were in CO and haven’t heard anything yet.

I booked my first appointment with a client to complete their end-of-life care plans. It will be good to have that first appointment over and done with. Once I do that I will complete my assignment worksheet and get that turned in for approval. Then the only other requirement I have is to schedule a presentation. I only have to have it on the books and not completed before I can graduate.

I am now accepting appointments to do end-of-life care plans. If you have been considering making yours, hit me up. I accept donations but don’t charge for my service. It may take one, two or even three sessions depending on how quickly you feel comfortable making decisions and how detailed you want to be. My phone number is 620-481-8323 and my email is I would love to work with you.

Had trouble sleeping last night so at 3:30 I took half of a sleep aid pill I had gotten from Costco. It is basically a Benadryl type pill. I slept until noon and then had to take a nap this afternoon. I have felt hungover all day. Wonder what would have happened it I had taken a whole one? My body didn’t read the rule book and has strange reactions to medications.

Didn’t do much today. Did get some paper work cleaned up on my desk this evening. I got some correspondence taken care of. Still have two more letters to write and then I will feel caught up.

I didn’t mess with the Roku system today. I was too tired and drugged feeling. Jim is going to be gone tomorrow so will play with the system then. I can get MSNBC to come up live on my iPad but not on the TV. I will hopefully figure it out tomorrow and then can call and fire DISH.

No plans for the weekend except for completing more class work. It is going to be hot all weekend so won’t get outside much. This heat is starting to wear me out. We need rain on the prairie but it isn’t in the forecast. These are the dog days of summer.

Grateful for my first appointment on the books, grateful I passed the Care Giver test, and grateful I got some sleep last night.