We had a nice dinner last night. Michelle and Tim and their kids, Craig, Kathy and I had cream chicken and biscuits. Tim loaded up my mower and dropped it off at John Deere. Craig took the key to the mower to John Deere this morning. Craig told me it would be at least Monday before they can work on it. Trusting it isn’t too serious and it will be an easy and cheap fix.
Got up around 2:00 this morning after sleeping for three hours and did some laundry and cleaning. Never did go back to sleep so I am sleepy today. Finished five loads of laundry and got the guest room cleaned. Still need to make up my bed with the fresh sheets I washed. Got both upstairs bathrooms cleaned. Ready for my guest this weekend.
I sure am having trouble going off sugar again. Didn’t help myself make it easy as I made Eclairs for dessert last night. I sent most of the left overs home with Michelle and Craig. I couldn’t resist having a piece today though. Maybe I will start going sugar-free again tomorrow. I don’t like how I feel when I eat sugar but that doesn’t seem to help me resist it. I am a true addict!
Sure hope my mower comes back early next week. My yard really needs mowed. I had gotten the front yard done but not the back. I have to high-step when I go down to feed the chickens to step over the tall weeds.
I may go out and do some push mowing this afternoon. I really need to start moving my body again. Maybe that would help me feel better and give me some more energy. My ass is dragging today again.
After Sunday I have a whole week with nothing on my calendar. Looking forward to that as it has been a while since that has happened. Need to figure out something productive to do next week. I do want to go to KC for a day and go bra shopping. Nicole has convinced me I need a serious upgrade to the quality of my bras. She said she would go with me and make sure I got the right size and fit. I hate shopping but this almost sounds fun. I can’t remember the last time I bought a new bra. Thinking I am way overdue as mine are pretty stretched out.
I probably should care more about how I dress and present myself to the public but I can’t seem to muster much enthusiasm for that. I did notice when I was in Japan how nice the women dressed. Rarely did I see anyone in jeans or sloppy clothes like I wear. I had gotten a skirt a month or so ago and I have been surprised how much I have enjoyed wearing it. Maybe there is hope for me yet.
I need to remember to take my car to Toyota and fix whatever causes the check engine light to stay on. My local mechanic tells me it isn’t serious but I’m concerned if a second problem develops and I continue to ignore the light I will do serious damage to my car. Wish I trusted the local Toyota dealer better.
It is another beautiful day on the prairie today. It is to get up in the mid 80’s. I still have the air turned off as the nights are so cool. The forecast is calling for a gradual warm up so may have to turn the air back on. I sure like having the windows open better. I heard lots of coyotes yelling during the night. My dogs barked very loudly in response. The coyotes sounded really close but their bark carries over the hills and it is hard to tell how close they really were.
Time to get my ass moving. I need to get outside and get some Vitamin D. All is well!