Met with a client today in El Dorado. We had the most delightful conversation. It is interesting to me how our life experiences shape our beliefs about death. We didn’t get her end-of-life plans finalized and that was expected and perfectly OK. It is so important that my clients feel very comfortable with the decisions they are making. The big advantage to doing it way ahead of time is you can take your time and think things through. When she is ready, we will meet again and get them wrapped up.
Between what I did today and yesterday, I have enough done that I can send in my final paperwork and finish up the Care Specialist Class. It will be good to have three of the four classes completed.
Today confirmed for me this is the part of Doulagiver that I will enjoy. I find it fascinating to learn about others beliefs about death and what happens next. I enjoy deep conversations around the topic of death and end-of-life.
After we wrapped up our session I went to Wichita to make a stop at Costco. I managed to fill a cart with necessities – some I didn’t know I needed until I saw them in the store. It is probably a good thing that the nearest Costco is over an hour away from me.
Took me a bit to get the car unloaded and everything put away. I bought a bunch of chicken that I needed to break down into smaller packages and freeze. Trusting I will have room for the beef when it comes next week.
I’m tired tonight. I didn’t sleep well last night. Thinking the influence of the full moon had something to do with that. Jim and I had sat out on the front deck and watched the Super Moon rise last night. It was lovely. We didn’t see any Perseid Meteors though as the moon was too bright. Love seeing the moon shadows across the prairie. I was up between 4:00 and 6:00 and didn’t need a light turned on in the living room as the moon light was so bright.
Nothing on our calendar for the weekend. It is to be hot again this weekend so will take it slow and easy if we go outside to work. We need to clean out the chicken coop before we leave August 24 but it is to cool down later next week and will probably wait to clean it out then.
Grateful for this new line of “work” that I am doing even though it doesn’t feel like “work”, grateful for the beauty of a full moon, grateful for lovely moon shadows across the prairie.