Friday, April 21, 2017

I stopped by John Deere on my way home from Emporia this morning.  They said they might get to my mower this afternoon or it might be Monday before they can start fixing it.

Went by the Vet Clinic and got flea and tic medication for all three big dogs.  That stuff is expensive!

i am cranky and sleepy this afternoon.  I came home cranky from the board meeting yesterday and can’t seem to shake it off.  May go back to bed and see if I can wake up in a better mood.

Kathy and I had fun picking up trash at Chase County Lake yesterday.  We didn’t find much around the lake itself but discovered the waterfalls.  Both of us will be going back to the waterfalls when we have time to sit and enjoy them.  We drove west down Lake Rd looking for trash to pick up and hit pay dirt.  Filled four trash sacks with beer bottles we found in the ditches about two to three miles west from the entrance to the lake.  We won the prize for finding the most trash.  We were impressed with how little trash there was on the lake grounds.

The weather today is cold,  windy and rainy.  Not even over 50 degrees yet today.  I had to turn my furnace back on this morning as it was down to 60 in the house.  I have had my fireplace going too.  I’m ready for warm weather to get here and stay.

My feet are a bit cranky today.  We walked a couple of miles yesterday picking up trash.  I wore my tennis shoes for the first time since surgery.  Not sure my feet liked what I did yesterday but oh well.  They just need to get over themselves!

So thankful the sustainability fair I was going to organize for tomorrow got cancelled.  The weather is not going to be good again tomorrow.  Thankfully it is to clear up and be nice for the Earth Day Celebration that is being held on the grounds of the Millstream Hotel Sunday afternoon in Cottonwood Falls.  Lots of live music and other activities going on starting at 1:00.  Bring a lawn chair and come enjoy the music and fun.

This has been a good day for Kathy to have to work and not be around me.  Not sure why I can’t brush off this cranky feeling.  I sure don’t enjoy days like today.  I’m not fit to be around others today.  I’m just waiting for someone to give me a reason to yell at them.  It certainly doesn’t take much to irritate me today.

Just one of those days I guess.  This too shall pass!

Feeling disconnected today.  Allowing it to be what it is.  Knowing all is well even when it doesn’t feel like it is.