I finally got some good sleep last night. I got a text at 6:30 which woke me up but I was able to go back to sleep until I got a phone call at 8:30. Felt good to get several more hours of sleep than I have been getting.
I went into Emporia this afternoon and ran a bunch of errands. I have been having trouble with my internet and my service provider recommended I get a new router to see if that would help. So far, so good. I was able to get it installed after I got home. I also got a new keyboard cover for my iPad but I haven’t been able to get it to connect via Bluetooth yet. Not sure what I am doing wrong.
Got a few more house keys made. I stopped by Toyota and got a new battery for my key fob. I had notice a warning that the battery was low and remembered to stop and get a battery installed today. Last time Toyota gave me a battery it was free but this time they charged me $2.71. A salesman wanted me to look at a new car. Tempting but I passed. Mailed some bills, filled the car up with gas and stopped by the bank to cash a check and then headed home.
A group was burning some pasture between Road W and Road V. I have never had to drive through such thick smoke before. I had no visibility. Glad it was a short patch to drive through.
The wind is finally slowing down. It has been howling again today. It has me on edge a bit so am very grateful it is slowing down. Enough is enough already!
Tomorrow is another empty space day. I do need to think of some meals to fix for my Match guy when he comes Sunday so will need to go to the grocery store tomorrow. I don’t think he will want to eat the same thing everyday like I do. I invited some friends over for him to meet Monday night so will need to decide what I am going to fix for them too. The hardest part of fixing a meal for me is deciding what to fix.
Hard for me to believe we are in the middle of April already this year. Time seems to have speed up for me lately. Guess the old saying time flies when you are having fun is true. I have some friends I would like to visit before I leave for another trip the end of April. I have guests coming for a week starting the day after Easter and I leave the day after they leave the following Sunday. I am running out of time to go visit my friends.
My head hurts from trying to figure out the new technology stuff. It takes me a bit to remember how to do new things. Neither new product had instructions with them this time. I had to use my laptop computer and I haven’t used it for several months. I forget how to use it between uses when I go so long. I still don’t like it as well as I like a desktop.
Sitting with some restless energy tonight. I haven’t moved my body much lately and I think it is telling me to move more. Maybe I will get on my stationary bike and take a long spin tonight to see if that will help. Changes are coming my way and I keep reminding myself not to project into the future. Right here! Right now! All is well!
Grateful the wind has calmed down, grateful for extra sleep last night, and grateful all is well in the present moment of time.