May the spirit of Christmas find each of you today and everyday of your life. May peace, joy and happiness fill your heart and overflow to touch everyone you encounter.
Decided to take a shower this morning even if it meant mopping up the basement floor. No hot water! The Grinch stole my Christmas morning shower! Finally figured out the pilot light had gone off so got that relit. Maybe I’ll take a bath tonight instead.
Kathy came in from doing chores and told me the chicken’s water container was not holding water. Went out and fixed it (at least I think it is fixed). Will go check it again in an hour or so to make sure it is fixed.
Poured the grease from the pan I used to make New Year’s Cookies into the container the grease came out of. Made a huge mess but thankfully had set a bowl underneath the container so I wouldn’t get grease down the sink drain and add to my clog. Used tons of paper towels to get that mess cleaned up.
Three things have gone wrong this morning and it isn’t even 9:00 yet. Maybe the rest of the day will go much better. About ready to go back to bed and start this day over!
Looking forward to seeing my family this afternoon. Maybe they can help me find my Christmas spirit. It seems to have eluded me this year.
Have been trying to figure out why I don’t enjoy Christmas. I know when I went to Israel in 2004 and saw the manger Christ was born in something shifted in me. Part of it was I felt deceived by the representation of a wooden stable the church has used to depict the original manger. It is more like a stone cave – no wood in sight.
Part of it is the church built above the manger. The middle four feet of the church is unfinished as the two churches that claim ownership of the church can’t agree on how to merge the two fractions.
Not so Christ like in my opinion!
I think I realized then that Christ is a consciousness energy that represents the best parts of how I strive to live my life and the rest of the story is man-made nonsense. I think I started my minimalist life style the day I saw how man has twisted the Christ birth into something it isn’t and that I needed to start separating myself from the materialistic representation that I saw that day. I wasn’t able to physically manifest that for several years but the shift happened in my soul the day I saw the manger and the church above it.
I do better celebrating Christmas in other months of the year when I can share the energy of the Christ consciousness without the materialistic trappings of the December season.
However and whenever you celebrate I trust you will be surrounded by peace, love and joy! When ever peace, love and joy are present you have found the true spirit of Christmas – regardless what day the calendar says it is!
Happy Christmas Cookies! They could help! Kids are for Christmas to me. Katie has not chosen what lie/story to tell Winston yet so I did not go put carrot dropping from the sleigh like I did for her & I did last year for a year old baby😊
Merrier Day to you.