I got an email from my house insurance company again. This is the third time that they have tried to increase my insurance premium as they can’t quite figure out for good that I have a Class 4 shingles. I called my agent and actually got to talk to him instead of his secretary. I told him I was two seconds from canceling my insurance with him as I was tired of doing this same thing three times.
He acted all surprised and after a bit asked me if I had signed a form of some sort. I told him I didn’t know what he was talking about. I had just done what his secretary told me to do before and she never mentioned I needed to sign a form. He said I needed to sign a form. I told him I had lost faith in his office and was really concerned that if I had a claim they would not handle it properly. He told me they would do better. I said talk is cheap I want action.
I went to Emporia and stopped by and signed the form. The secretary was a bit cold to me but I got it signed and left. If this doesn’t do the trick, I will not be giving him the rest of the rental properties and will find other insurance next year. This is the third time I have had to call them about this issue and each time they have me do something different to help them fix it. Third time a charm? We shall see.
Went to the Chiropractor and got adjusted. I had to wait about 10 minutes today but had plenty of time to spare so was good.
I went through the car wash on my way to exercise. I had taken trash down yesterday in my car and one of the bags had ripped open and I had a mess in my back seat. After my car was washed I stopped and vacuumed up the mess.
Went to exercise a bit early but my trainer was waiting for me so got in and out quickly. I really like the exercises we are doing this week. It is a yoga thing of some sort. They made more sense to me today and when I do them Friday I will have them down. Next week we will have another new set to learn.
After exercise I went by the Catholic Campus church and their drive thru and got some pinned tacos for my lunch. They were OK but not great. They tasted like they had been cooked about an hour ago so were not as crispy as I like them but they were good.
Filled the car up with gas at Flying J on the way home. I had stopped at Caseys before exercise but the car reader wasn’t working and I didn’t want to go inside.
Feels like I had a bit of a whirlwind trip to town. Got everything taken care of and it will be good to stay home this evening as I don’t have to go in to do taxes tonight.
My new bed is going to be delivered this afternoon. I pushed the old one out of the way and cleaned the floor under the bed. I am leaving the old bed for the buyer. I told him the frame was barely holding together but he said he wanted it anyways. He is a fix-it guy so can probably figure out a way to make it hold together better.
I will wash up all the bedding on my old bed and get the new one made up once it gets here. Trusting it will be comfortable and I will like the new mattress.
Other than chicken chores, I don’t have anything else I have to do today. I went downstairs last night and sorted through the two bookcases of books and filled four boxes with books I will take to the Friends of the Library. I only kept the books that have a spiritual theme to them or books that may be hard to replace. The romance and other books I have I can buy back at the Friends of the Library book sale another day.
I’m tired for some reason this afternoon so may take a nap after the new bed gets delivered. I get to stay home tomorrow so if I take a nap and then don’t go to bed until late tonight, I can sleep in tomorrow and be good. Friday I have to go back to Emporia for exercise.
It is slowly warming up today. It was well below freezing when I got up this morning. It has warmed up to 47 so far and will be back in the 60’s tomorrow. I am trusting this was the last blast of winter we will see this spring.
Appreciating that several things are getting taken care of this week. Some have been on my pending or to-do list for a long time. I am feeling the support of the universe helping me get things done in preparation of the move. Five weeks and counting down to moving day. Slowly the reality of the situation is sinking in and I am slowly detaching myself from this house. It is nice to know I don’t have to clean up the flower beds or straighten out the swing set this spring. I feel the burden of the upkeep of this house sliding off my shoulders.
Grateful I don’t have to make a second trip to town tonight, grateful I get to stay home tomorrow, and grateful to get a new bed to sleep in tonight.