Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Six pies are made and cooling. Bread for the dressing is broken and ready. The first load of dirty dishes is in the dishwasher and running. Ingredients are set out for everything else. I will put the turkey in the oven late tonight and get up early to mix casseroles up and peel potatoes. A feast is almost ready! I still have room at the table if anyone wants to come join us. We are eating at 1:00. No reservations needed!

Still haven’t heard back from the Endocrinologist. I don’t expect to at this point until next week if then. I will call when I get back from Peru if I haven’t heard from her by then. Still not sure what to do about the ablation. Their lack of communication makes me not to want to do it though.

A bit nippy on the prairie today but the sun is shining brightly. It is to warm up for tomorrow and it will be a beautiful fall Kansas day. Glad the weather will be nice for those people who have to travel. So grateful I don’t have stores to be in or be responsible for this weekend.

The grandkids are coming Friday so Michelle can sleep. Not sure what we will do. They may be in the mood for a quiet day on the prairie. The next couple of weeks will get very busy and sometimes they appreciate a quiet day.

Feels so good to be able to stay home all day today. Kathy went in the Cottonwood Falls for coffee this morning but I wanted to stay home all day. She has a flat tire so she took my car. The guys from the garage in Cottonwood Falls are going to come out later today and fix her tire for her. Love local service guys!

Still need to clean two bathrooms and my bedroom and then the house will be ready for my guests tomorrow. I also need to dust but am waiting till the last-minute to do that as it doesn’t stay dust-free very long.

I didn’t sleep hardly at all last night for the first time in a bit. My body hurt last night. Not sure why as it is OK this morning. Maybe there was a weather change and I felt that. May need to take a nap this afternoon if I can fall asleep. So looking forward to being able to get my thyroid levels higher and resolving some of my sleep issues. They won’t let me raise them until I decide what to do about the ablation and that won’t happen until mid December. If I have the ablation my levels have to zero out for it to work right. I’ll be so grateful when all of this is totally behind me.

So looking forward to tomorrow. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. No pressure. Just lots of good food, family comes home and friends come over. Time to stop and reflect on all the things I have to be grateful for. It has been a tough year but things are looking up. Trusting next year will be a great one.

Beautiful day on the prairie. The house smells divine already. All is well on the prairie. I am blessed!